Division of University Advancement
Why Give
“Thanks to donor support, I’ve been able to focus on my studies and delve deeper into
research projects. And I’ve connected with inspiring mentors who’ve shaped my educational
journey. Your donation goes beyond mere financial assistance; it’s the encouragement
that fuels my drive to make a meaningful difference in the world! ”
—Madison ’25
Many students dream of coming to APU, but without the scholarship support that comes from donations, some won’t get enough financial aid to attend. This is where you come in. Will you give today to make it possible for a student to choose APU? Your caring and generous gift will change lives!
“APU offered me $2,000 more in annual scholarships than any other school—that’s the only reason I’m at APU today. What I didn’t realize then was that God was closing other doors so I would make the decision to choose APU.
I didn’t come to APU as a Christian and I did not intend to become a believer. But in 2023, I was baptized at APU! This life-changing experience has been made possible for me all because donors gave so generously.”
—Harry ’25
Donate today so a student gets the scholarship support they need to attend APU and discover their God-given higher calling!
Ways to Give
Your gift today directly impacts students at APU, helping them receive the scholarship support they need to pursue their educational goals and discover their God-given calling. Together, we can empower the next generation of leaders.
Azusa Pacific University is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID# 95-1744369
Complete the secure form below to donate, supporting APU students!
Many companies encourage philanthropy by matching their employees’ gifts to colleges and universities such as Azusa Pacific. Most match the gift dollar for dollar, but some will double or even triple the amount. Participating companies may also recognize donations made by retirees and/or spouses of employees.
Generally, a matching gift will go toward the same program as your donation unless your company’s policy requires otherwise.
Already have a matching gift form to submit? Need more information? Email forms and questions to advancement@apu.edu or mail it to:
University Advancement–Matching GiftsAzusa Pacific University
901 E. Alosta Ave.
Azusa, CA 91702-7000
We accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express
Division of University Advancement
Azusa Pacific University
PO Box 7000
Azusa, CA 91702-7000, USA
(626) 815-5333
Set up payroll deductions to support APU directly from your paycheck. It’s an easy and convenient way to make a regular impact.
“Without my scholarship I wouldn't be able to attend APU. Receiving financial support has allowed me to focus on my academics and have the time to be involved on campus and in the local community without constantly worrying about my finances.”
—Ashley ’25

The Division of University Advancement builds relationships between the university and its donors, alumni, parents, and friends, to help seek funding support for student scholarships, programs, and endowment.