APU Articles

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Global Engagement Series: Adelaide Towne’s ’26 Experience in Greece

July 01, 2024

Adelaide Towne ’26, a sociology major, spent three weeks serving in Greece on a Global Engagement trip through the Office of Service and Discipleship this summer. She deepened her faith by connecting with people through engaging acts of fellowship.

Adelaide and her global engagement team posing in Greece

Alumni Feature: Nicky Slavich ’14, MA ’18 Shares the Value of Human Connection

June 28, 2024

Nicky Slavich ’14, MA ’18 never thought he would work at Google as a recruiter. By forming meaningful connections, Slavich discovered his career calling. Throughout his journey, Slavich has learned that his identity stems from who God continues creating him to be.

headshot of Nicky smiling

New Tissue Engineering Facility Provides Cutting-Edge Opportunities

June 27, 2024 | clas-biology-and-chemistry

In June 2023, Azusa Pacific University received funds to build a state-of-the-art tissue engineering research facility in the Segerstrom Science Center. This lab enables students to do research to set them up for success in the rapidly growing field of pharma and biopharma product development.

David Dyer uses a 3D tissue printer to study cells in a tissue sample

Alumni Feature: Razel Zapanta ’21 Lives Out Her Many Callings as a Singing Dental Student

June 25, 2024

Razel Zapanta ’21 is a testament to the fact that when you pursue your dreams, they really can come true. She is a two-time contestant on Wheel of Fortune, and has garnered a large following on Instagram by documenting her dental school journey, expressing her passion for creativity and science.

razel smiling on wheel of fortune

Global Engagement Series: Natalie Hultgren’s Experience in India

June 24, 2024

Nursing major Natalie Hultgren ’26 spent two weeks serving in India on a Global Engagement trip through the Office of Service and Discipleship this summer. Engaging with doctors and nurses to serve the lower caste population expanded Hultgren’s heart to learning about the image of God in all people.

Natalie and her global engagement team outside the Taj Mahal

APU’s Art Galleries Showcase Students’, Alumni’s, and LA Artists’ Beautiful Work

June 20, 2024

As I walked through the Duke and Darling buildings on West Campus on my way to a class last semester, an interesting sight stopped me in my tracks. Across the typically blank walls were multiple images I had never seen before—vibrant depictions of outer space, ancient Greece, and the ocean to name a few. Beside each picture was a QR code containing the link to a unique song that stirred the artist, Riley Sumaquial’s ’24, vision. I appreciate gleaning insight from Sumquial’s immensely talented synesthetic mind.

murals painted by alumni in duke hallway

Alumni Feature: Video Editor Jordan Orme ’19 is Learning to Use His Platform to Share His Faith

June 18, 2024 | alumni-engagement, cota-cinema

When Jordan Orme ’19 created his YouTube channel at the beginning of the pandemic, he had no idea it would grow so quickly. Orme had spent the previous two years editing music videos for major artists such as Justin Bieber and Post Malone, working on documentaries for celebrities including Demi Lovato and Kylie Jenner, and creating commercials for Amazon and Nike. His channel started as a passion project, with Orme hoping to pass along insights he had gleaned from these experiences into video editing advice. When he began breaking down edits on some of his favorite music videos—especially in the K-pop genre— his following boomed. In the four years since launching, Orme’s channel has amassed more than 873,000 subscribers and his videos have garnered more than 111 million views. While the numbers are eye popping, he realized his work was not truly fulfilling.

Jordan Orme

Global Engagement: MJ Sanchez’s Experience in Belize and Guatemala

June 17, 2024

Maia (MJ) Sanchez ’26, a liberal studies major with a concentration in psychology, spent two weeks serving in Belize and Guatemala on a Global Engagement trip through the Office of Service and Discipleship this summer. She learned about the value of connecting with others through listening and sharing one’s story, as well as relinquishing preconceived expectations.

apu students smiling in Guatemala

Alumni Feature: Caitlin Volk ’07 Creates Flourishing Family Business Selling Quality Coffee

May 16, 2024 | articles

There’s no feeling quite as comforting as a warm cup of coffee in the morning, or an iced latte on a sunny afternoon. While savoring coffee is a daily ritual for many all over the world, Caitlin (Hill) Volk, ’07, has turned her love for a freshly brewed cup into a flourishing family business. For the past year, Inland Roasters has served California’s Central Valley with quality coffee that pays homage to her late father-in-law.

From left to right: Reid, Caitlin, Lizzie, and Brent Volk

Local Engagement: Young Life Capernaum

May 08, 2024 | articles

Azusa Pacific University students have engaged with the local community this year by working with disabled teens and young adults through the Young Life Capernaum program.

Group photo of Young Life Capernaum participants

Faculty Feature: Tasha Bleistein Engages with Different Cultures as a TESOL Professor

May 03, 2024 | articles

Tasha Bleistein, PhD, shares her passion for cultures through teaching English as a second language with care, respect, and kindness to others. In APU’s MA in TESOL program, she equips students to find their calling in such a broad field.

Tasha smiling

APU School of Nursing Partners with AUSD to Foster a Healthy Community

May 01, 2024 | articles

APU's School of Nursing partnered with Azusa Unified School District to host eight “Ask-a-Nurse” pop-up events this school year to bring health education and resources to families in Azusa while allowing students to learn about community health.

Nurses smiling

Faculty Feature: Larry Santiago ’97 EdD Exemplifies Discipleship Through Holistic Care

April 26, 2024 | articles

Larry Santiago, ’97, EdD, pursues his calling by caring for others, guiding future nurses to approach their profession with spiritual, emotional, and physical well being in mind to provide quality treatment.

Larry smiling