APU Articles

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STEM Scholarship Provides GI Bill Extension for Military-Connected Students

January 14, 2020

If you’re a military-connected student interested in earning a degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) field, or want to add a teaching credential to your STEM degree, there is a new program that may help you pay for it. The Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship, which went into effect August 1, 2019, is for students who qualify for Post-9/11 GI Bill® benefits, but need a little more funding. This program kicks in after the GI Bill® to encourage degree completion.

STEM Scholarship Provides GI Bill Extension for Military-Connected Students

APU Alumnus Challenges Football Team to Do the Right Thing

January 10, 2020

When Andre Johnson ’85 addressed Azusa Pacific University’s football team before their homecoming game in October, it brought back memories from his days as a Cougar. As a student, Johnson was a star cornerback, anchoring the defense while legendary running back Christian Okoyoe shredded other teams up on offense. Terry Franson, Johnson’s track coach at the time, reflected, “Andre was one of the finest defensive backs in APU football history. I cannot remember him ever getting beat on a deep pass. He recently spoke to our team on courage—he put his life on the line for others when no one else would.”

Veteran Uses Yellow Ribbon Benefit to Pursue Dream Career

January 08, 2020 | Military Education

two U.S Marines wearing their army gear.

Spiritual Formation: How APU Helps Students Grow

December 19, 2019

Spiritual formation isn’t a secondary part of the student experience at Azusa Pacific University—it’s a driving component of what makes the campus community unique. The motto, God First, has guided the university since 1899, and its work to help students grow spiritually is a critical part of keeping that commitment.

Spiritual Formation: How APU Helps Students Grow

Serving Our Hispanic Students

December 13, 2019

Serving Our Hispanic Students