APU Articles

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Psychology Professor Provides Clues about Autism Causality through Birth Order Study

May 13, 2013

More children are diagnosed with autism each year than juvenile diabetes, AIDS, and cancer combined. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism now affects 1 in 88 American children, prompting researchers to scramble for answers. Hoping to provide a significant piece to this complex puzzle, Loren Martin, Ph.D., APU professor and director of research for the Department of Graduate Psychology, published the results of his groundbreaking study linking birth order to autism severity in the November 30, 2012, issue of PLOS ONE, a leading peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Revisiting Life Behind the Berlin Wall

April 22, 2013

In March, thousands of German citizens gathered in East Berlin to protest the removal of the last remaining sections of the Berlin Wall to make room for a modern housing development. “Many Germans treasure the remains of the wall as a sober reminder of East Germany’s Communist era so today’s generation will not forget those days of oppression and a divided country,” said Jim Willis, Ph.D., professor in the Department of Communication Studies.

APU Brings Real-world Finance Simulation to Local High School Students

April 08, 2013

APU partnered with the Azusa Unified School District and the Southern California Edison Federal Credit Union Foundation last October to teach 60 local highschoolers valuable money management skills. The event, called Mad City Money, drew students from Azusa and Gladstone high schools who belong to Think Together, one of California’s largest providers of after-school tutoring, as well as APU undergraduate students in the Personal Finance course.

New Vice Provost Named

March 25, 2013

God at the Oscars

March 25, 2013

I can’t remember when the subject of God infused the films recognized at the Oscars like it did this year. It testifies to the power of story to shape and set the wet concrete of cultural imagination. To use a phrase from last year’s Oscar-nominated Moneyball, the medium holds a unique ability to “change the game” in ways few others can. God has always been a part of humanity’s best stories—if not their writer, director, and lead or best-supporting actor.

Why Do We Study Abroad?

March 08, 2013

Over the past 20 years, the number of American students who study abroad has steadily risen, according to a report by the Institute of International Education.

Crystal Munoz ’12 Crowned Miss California Latina

February 12, 2013

At the Miss California Latina pageant award ceremony last November, Crystal Munoz ’12 stood in disbelief, humbled and thankful as the winning crown was placed upon her head.

Called to the Show

February 04, 2013

Called to the Show