Moxy Anne ’19 Sings for the People

“Essentially, the egg is a metaphor for our souls and represents the ability of right to emerge victorious over wrong, over oppression,” said Moxy Anne. “Saying, ‘I stand with the egg’, means I’m with the people of Hong Kong. The phrase comes from a Japanese author who delivered a speech on human freedom.”

Moxy Anne’s lyrics feature the refrain, “Sing Hallelujah to the Lord, which has become an official anthem at the Hong Kong rallies. “Pray for us,” is also emphasized throughout the song. Days after releasing the single, she sang it live at a solidarity rally in Los Angeles in front of crowds of people, many of whom were from Hong Kong and still had family there. “Performing at the rally was an incredible experience,” she said. “The people were so gracious. Some did not understand English but they clapped for me anyway.”

The Christian Post featured Moxy Anne and her song as part of their coverage of the events in Hong Kong. As she launches her career as a singer/songwriter, Moxy Anne points to her time at APU in the School of Music, particularly the voice instruction she received with vocal coach Bill Cantos as pivotal. “I studied with him for two years. He helped me learn more about jazz, pop, and all these dimensions of music. He changed the course of my career.”

Moxy Anne said she can’t be tied down to just one genre of music. She currently performs covers of classic rock songs with her best friend guitarist Sydney Ellen in a band called Heartless the Duo, a take on the band Heart.

Along with a solid musical foundation, Moxy Anne said APU provided her with something far greater. “The best part of APU is its God First mission. I went to a college where people actually care about something bigger than themselves. This is the message I want to share.”