Tevin Krall smiling
Just four years after graduating from Azusa Pacific University, Tevin Krall ’18 is thriving in ways he never expected. Raised by a single mom, Krall moved more than 10 times as a child. Anytime the rent would increase, they would pack up and find a new place in his hometown of Ventura. Although he didn’t know it at the time, these experiences equipped him to one day start his own moving company, Mama Boy Movers, along with the education he received at APU.

Krall came to APU on a football scholarship, enabling him to become the first in his immediate family to go to a four-year college. “My scholarship opened the door for me and gave me an opportunity. I probably wouldn’t have been able to afford college otherwise,” he said. A powerful defensive lineman, Krall totalled 9.5 sacks and 12.5 tackles-for-loss in his career. He earned second-team all-GNAC (Great Northwest Athletic Conference) honors and was named to the GNAC academic conference team. This was a huge accomplishment, especially considering Krall entered APU on academic probation. “My coaches at APU took a chance on me. My GPA wasn’t the best in high school, but I told them I would work hard and find a way to keep my grades up,” Krall said. “Receiving tutoring and going to study hall sessions were part of the journey. It was a lot of hard work, but it all paid off in the end.”

Although he began college as a social work major, Krall quickly switched to sociology after taking an introductory class. He had never felt very interested in most academic subjects growing up, but he became engrossed with sociology. “I remember learning about topics like race and pay gaps and having an instant connection with it because I felt that I had gone through a lot of those things my whole life. It was so relatable,” he said. Krall wasn’t sure what he would do after college, but he knew he had a strong desire to help others. After graduation, Krall served as an assistant high school football coach for one year with former APU football coach Ben Buys. While this allowed him to continue with the sport he loved, it didn’t pay the bills, so Krall delivered packages for Amazon part-time. During a delivery one day, he had an epiphany. “In sociology, you learn that single parents move far more often than families with both parents. Moving is something that always just came second nature to me. I wanted to build a business that could help single parents,” he said. “Being raised by a single mom, I wanted to dedicate my company to her, so I started Mama Boy Movers.”

Krall took a leap of faith and opened his company in January 2020 with the help of several APU alumni including Jonah Wataru ’17, Keeka Kaakau ’18, Cordell Smith ’18, Olivia Johnson ’18, Katie Little ’19, Gaige Allen '19, Jay Brylka Duvu ’20, Noel (Ming) Hosnell ’20, Brandon Jackson ’20, and Maeaeafe Alailima ’22. After two years in business, Mama Boy Movers has completed more than 700 local and long distance moves. The company has flawless 5-star ratings on Yelp, Google Reviews, and Facebook. “We’re more than just a moving company. Our mission is to make an impact in our community,” Krall said. “We’re an honest, trustworthy moving company from start to finish.” Krall is fulfilling his desire to help single parents by providing reduced rates for them and even doing some moves free of charge. “If you can share your story with us, we’re going to help you out as much as we can.”

While Krall’s hard work has led to entrepreneurial success, he knows that none of it would have been possible without God. Krall came to know Christ at a young age and served as president of his high school’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter, but there were times along his journey that he stepped away from his faith. At APU, he rediscovered his faith and it grew stronger. “My team and the community around me really helped shape and guide me, helping me grow as a man of God,” he said. However, it wasn’t always easy. In one particularly challenging moment after his father had passed away and he had a severe knee injury, advice from former coach Bo Beatty helped Krall stay on the right path. “I told him it didn’t feel like things were working out for me and I needed a fresh start. He asked me, ‘Why do you do what you do? Who do you do it for? Make sure that every decision you’re making is with God in mind,’” Krall said. “When he reminded me who I serve, I knew I needed to trust in God and stick it through. That led me to where I am today.”