Understanding Title IX Law and APU’s Commitment to Students
Azusa Pacific University is committed to students’ safety and well-being just as much as their academic success. One way APU upholds student safety to the highest level is by educating the campus community on the Title IX law, which protects all students against sex discrimination and sexual harassment.

What Is the Title IX Law, Exactly?

Title IX states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Under this law, college students are protected against discrimination in all programs and activities that occur through the university—including admissions, housing, financial aid, athletics, academics, and more. This law also protects all students against sexual assault, harassment, and sexual violence of any kind from other students, employees, and third parties, both on campus and at campus-related events, such as an athletic event that requires travel.

Why This Law Is So Important

To excel academically, all students need to feel like their learning, living, and working environments are safe. All students are made in God’s image, and any form of sex discrimination threatens an individual’s rights and self-dignity.

This law is essential and allows APU to take immediate action on all reported sexual assault, including unwelcome sexual advances and stalking. When it comes to sexual harassment, no action is considered a minor offense—and for the protection and respect of all students, all reports of harassment will be dealt with properly.

How APU Is Making a Difference

Sexual assault is a major issue on American college campuses. One in five women and one in 16 men are sexually assaulted while enrolled in college, and more than 90 percent of victims assaulted on college campuses do not report the assault, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.

Azusa Pacific University actively fights this issue with a mandatory educational program for all incoming students, as well as training for all employees, athletes, and residential advisors. APU also makes the process for reporting incidents clear by having a set Title IX coordinator and deputies to uphold the Title IX law. Student privacy and confidentiality are taken seriously—APU’s confidential resources include the University Counseling Center, Student Health Center, Campus Pastors, and Office of the Chaplain. In addition, free Rape Aggression Defense classes are provided on campus, and all students can request free safety whistles, safety escorts, and an after-hours shuttle.

“As a Christ-centered community, APU seeks to promote a safe learning, living, and working environment free from gender-based discrimination, which includes all forms of sexual violence,” said Christine R. Guzman, APU’s Title IX coordinator. “Because we consider sex discrimination to be a serious offense, APU encourages people who experience sexual assault or discrimination to report what occurred and to seek support.”

The university is committed to upholding and educating all students and employees on the Title IX law. Everyone deserves to feel safe and comfortable within their college community. When students are secure and respected in and out of the classroom, they can focus on achieving their academic and professional dreams.