Why Minors in College Are Important

Learn with Lower Commitment

Minors in college provide students with the opportunity to learn more about something that they are interested in, whether or not it is related to their major. While majors require a lot of focus, attention, and time during college, minors are much less demanding as they often consist of ten courses or fewer. You may be concerned that adding a minor will spike the cost of tuition or extend your time in college, but this is not typical.

Prepare for a Career

While choosing a minor may seem unimportant or insignificant, students who choose to pursue minors in college often discover a variety of benefits. Studying a minor can help to diversify your understanding of a topic. For example, a math major may choose to minor in physics or computer science as these studies tie together well. Other students use their minor as a way to learn about a subject that they may not have the opportunity to engage with otherwise. A communication management major might choose to minor in psychology or art or even biology. There are nearly endless combinations!

Why I Chose a Minor

When I began my time in college, I chose to major in English. I wanted to use my extra credits to take classes that sounded fun and enjoyable that would also teach me valuable skills. I quickly realized that all of the electives I wanted to take were art classes, so I declared a minor in graphic design. This decision has played out well over the past two years. Some of my graphic design classes overlap with English elective credits, so I get credit for both the minor and the major. I get to take classes that are engaging, interesting, and practical that will benefit my broad English major. Because of my graphic design minor, I will likely have more opportunities for a future career. The skills that I am learning in both areas complement each other, as I could work for a magazine or a website where I use both.

A Minor Is a Launch Pad

Students who decide to get minors in college often are a step ahead when they graduate as they have gained valuable experiences in an area outside of their major. Because these students study a minor, they will likely be qualified for a variety of careers, providing them with more opportunities post-graduation. Students who study a second subject are often more prepared to communicate with others outside of their field as they have a diverse understanding of topics. My minor has helped me to formulate a greater understanding of what career I would like to pursue. Because I have skills in digital and written communication, I will hopefully have greater opportunities after graduation.

When choosing a minor, be sure to pick something that will be both beneficial and enjoyable. Take advantage of the time you have in college to learn about things that interest you while developing skills that will be key for your future career!