"To educate, inspire and encourage advocacy for the women of Azusa Pacific University," reads the mission statement of the newly founded Women’s Resource Center (WRC) at Azusa Pacific University. The center began developing last year as seven APU women researched the need for a place to encourage women on campus.

Adrienne Crunican '02, Erin Gaw '03, Amanda Aday '03, Nickaela Fiore '03, Amy Otis '03, and Hilary Whitman '03 began their quest to establish a Women’s Resource Center with a 2002 Common Day of Learning forum, titled Co-ed’s Speak the Truth. Since then, the center has been evolved with weekly meetings, informative forums, and accomplished goals.

The center hosted A Night of Stories We Never Tell on April 22. The event provided open discussion about past experiences that have shaped the lives of APU staff and students. MEP Director Joy Hoffman opened the night with vulnerability, as she shared her life struggles and accomplishments to the group. Following Hoffman, students told their own past stories of hope, hardship, and restorations. "We see restoration in our lives from everywhere," said Fiore. "God is alive in so many things that we don’t recognize…through women who have gone through amazing things in life."

Recently acknowledged as the first Women’s Resource Center in the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, the center is also developing a Women's Study minor at APU, establishing a Sexual Assault Policy Program, and will be moving into a permanent structure as of next year.

For more information on the Women’s Resource Center, please contact Melissa Mellott at (626) 815-3873 or email at mmellott@apu.edu.