Timely Warnings
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- Timely Warnings
The Department of Campus Safety posts Timely Warning notices to inform members of the Azusa Pacific community about serious crimes, or series of crimes, that occur within APU’s geographical boundaries, as defined by the U.S. Department of Education.
These Timely Warnings will be issued when it is determined by APU that the incident may pose an ongoing threat to APU community members. These warnings will primarily be distributed by email to the APU community using the email addresses that is on file with APU’s Office of Information Technology (IT). Bulletins may also be posted at designated locations across the Azusa campus. These bulletins will be posted and removed in accordance with the policies/procedures of the Department of Campus Safety.
The department issues Timely Warnings for incidents of:
- Criminal Homicide
- Sex Offenses
- Robbery
- Aggravated Assault
- Burglary
- Motor Vehicle Theft
- Arson
- Other crimes as determined necessary by the Department of Campus Safety
A Timely Warning notice typically includes the following, unless information would risk compromising law enforcement efforts:
- Date and time, or timeframe, of incident
- Brief description of the incident
- Information to promote safety and potentially aid in preventing similar crimes (crime prevention or safety tips)
- Suspect description(s) when deemed appropriate, if sufficient detail exists
- Police/Public or Campus Safety agency contact information
- Other information as deemed appropriate by the Executive Director or his/her designee