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- 2002
APU Hosts AUSD’s Summer G.A.T.E. Program: Azusa Unified School District’s (AUSD) and APU collaborate to bring the first-ever Gifted and Talented Education (G.A.T.E.) summer program to Azusa, offering 100 fourth and fifth grade students five summer classes in English, math, social studies, art, and science, taking place at the APU campus. APU provides high school students with college-level English and science courses that will be transferable to any major university.
Jazz Ensemble Performs World Premiere Piece: APU’s Jazz Ensemble takes the opportunity to perform the world premier of composer Mark Gasbarro’s Prelude and Sanctus. Featuring world-renowned saxophone player, Josto Almario, the piece was composed specifically for APU’s Jazz Ensemble.
$1.7 Million Grant to Promote Theological Inquiry and Ministry: APU receives a $1,715,191 grant from Lilly Endowment Inc., to enable high-school-age youth to train in theological study and inquiry. The university uses the money to create the Youth Leadership Institute, encouraging teens in theological studies.
APU Dedicates Murrieta Regional Campus: The dedication of the Murrieta Regional Campus sparks further growth for the APU community and advancement of excellence in education. As one of the fastest-growing communities in Riverside County, Murrieta serves as a prime location for APU’s mission of developing disciples and scholars to impact the world.
Proposed Campus Development Plan: Looking for feedback from community members, President Jon R. Wallace, DBA, and the APU community present a campus development plan that will extend and renovate the APU campus. The plan suggests replacing existing structures with modern facilities, including a 3,000 seat public performing arts center, a new music building, residence halls, and a science building.
APU Names Provost: Michael M. Whyte, PhD, is instated as the new provost and chief academic officer for APU after an intense two-year, nationwide search. Whyte models a collaborative visionary tactic for the planning, development, and administration of the university’s academic programs and services.
School of Business Hosts Edward W. Kelley: APU’s School of Business and Management hosts the Honorable Edward W. Kelley Jr. to speak about “Functions and Impact of the Federal Reserve System.” More than 300 attend to hear the former governor comment on the community from an inside perspective.