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Green Office Certification Program

The Green Office Certification Program encourages staff and faculty to join in working towards a more sustainable university. Staff and faculty from all campus departments can participate in an informal audit process about their office practices. Each office can designate a sustainability ambassador to be the point of contact and coordinate with a sustainability intern and complete a Green Office Evaluation, which will provide tips for how each office can become more environmentally conscious and attain Green Office certification.

The certification is based on office practices that help decrease energy consumption and waste in each department. The in-office evaluation adheres to a point system, with a set amount of points assigned for various office attributes or behaviors.

Why should we care about energy and waste?

  • Office buildings use about 19% of all energy consumed in the U.S.
  • Though the U.S. comprises only 5% of the world’s population, Americans consume 26% of the world’s energy and generate 30% of the world’s garbage.
  • America uses about 15 times more energy per person than does the typical developing country.
  • If, by turning off lights and office equipment, APU could reduce its electrical consumption by 1%, it would save $25,000 annually.

Certified Green Offices

  • School of Business and Management (Spring 2013, score of 85)
  • School of the Arts (Spring 2013, 85)

Offices Pending Certification (50% of staff have been informed)

  • Athletics (Spring 2013, 75)
  • Center for Student Action (Spring 2013, 82.5)
  • Campus Store (Spring 2013, 77.5)
  • The Student Services Center (Spring 2013, 87.5 (highest score))
  • Division of Strategic Communication and Engagement (Spring 2013, 87.5 (highest score))