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Contact Information
Phone: (626) 812-3002Fax: (626) 815-3880
Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Anderson BuildingLearn more about how you can participate in environmental stewardship.
A Guide to Environmental Stewardship at Azusa Pacific University (PDF)
This paper by student Berit Anderson covers the basics of environmental sustainability and how it relates to the Christian faith (Disclaimer: This paper does not necessarily reflect the views of the university).
Athens Services
APU’s waste disposal provider
Au Sable Institute
Take summer environmental courses to broaden your understanding of stewardship through
APU’s Center for Career and Community-Engaged Learning.
Azusa Light & Water
APU’s electric and water provider
Beverage Container Recycling
Recycling locations and information from the State of California Department of Conservation
Tips on water conservation and what can be done at home from the Metropolitan Water
District of Southern California
Campus ERC
Learn more about environmental issues that impact colleges and universities.
God’s Green Earth
Read this In Focus article on the issues surrounding creation care and how you can help.
Home Depot Eco Options
Read about products from Home Depot that have less of an impact on the environment
than competing products.
Ice Energy
Mary Hill Building, Darling Library, and Marshburn Library have a new COOL technology
that cools the building with a giant block of ice instead of an air conditioner.
Know Your H2O
A 19-minute video explaining the water cycle and why protecting our most valuable
natural resource, water, is important.
Southern California Gas Company
APU’s gas provider.
The Story of Stuff
Watch and share this online video with Annie Leonard about the need to reduce, reuse,
and recycle.
Wastes Banned from the Trash
California Integrated Waste Management Board offers details on what can and cannot
be put in the trash.
The Water Page
A good resource about water conservation.