Beth Mitchell, DMA


Applied Instructor, Tuba

Before settling in Los Angeles, Dr. Beth Chouinard-Mitchell was principal tubist with the Women’s Philharmonic Orchestra in San Francisco and principal sub for the Orchesta Sinfonica de Monterrey in Nueva Leon, Mexico. She has played with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, the Pacific Symphony Orchestra, Opera Pacific, Germany’s Eurobrass, has appeared as a guest soloist with the United States Army Band, and has toured frequently throughout the United States, Europe, the South Pacific, and the Middle East.
Locally, Ms. Mitchell enjoys an active freelance career in Los Angeles. She subs with the local Los Angeles Orchestras, plays in the film studios, is a member of the Disneyland Band, has worked with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, and Orange County Philharmonic Societies, the Los Angeles Zipper Orchestra, and many other arts groups giving concerts, masterclasses and numerous solo and chamber recitals around southern California.
Internationally, Beth is an acclaimed international solo recital artist, who regularly gives solo performances, plays chamber recitals, lectures, and teaches masterclasses around the world.
She is the founder of Music Matters Global which is an organization that partners with existing music programs and is dedicated to bringing music education and professional concerts to disadvantaged regions of the world.
Ms. Mitchell has recently published a set of etude books for euphonium and tuba entitled, The Russian Etudes (available on Amazon) and is currently working on a historical guide to playing the baroque serpent.
Dr. Beth Chouinard-Mitchell has degrees in tuba performance from the Peabody Conservatory of Music of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and The University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She also has a Doctorate from USC in tuba, musicology, conducting, and arts leadership. Her principal teachers have been David Fedderly, Tommy Johnson, Jim Self, and Roger Bobo. She is also on the faculty of Pasadena City College. Ms. Mitchell is an International Performing Artist and Clinician for Eastman Winds.


  • DMA, University of Southern California
  • MM, Peabody Conservatory
  • BM, Peabody Conservatory

Academic Area

  • School of the Arts


  • Musicology
  • Brass Pedagogy
  • Tuba Performance

Courses Taught

  • MUS 1B1 Applied Tuba
  • GMUS 520 Applied Tuba