Ralph Carlson, PhD


Professor Emeritus, Department of English

Ralph Carlson, PhD, teaches classes in grammar, linguistics, introduction to literature, and poetry. He has presented papers on the fiction of Robert Olen Butler at meetings of the Popular Culture Association and the Conference on Christianity and Literature, and has published critical articles on Butler, Peter Shaffer, Arthur C. Clarke, and other authors. His poetry has appeared in Genre, Poetry/LA, The Texas Review, Hawai‘i Review, the U.S. Air Force Academy’s War, Literature, and the Arts, Viet Nam War Generation Journal, The Lucid Stone, Sunstone, and other literary magazines.


  • PhD, English Linguistics (Emphasis in Bible as Literature), University of Oregon
  • MA, English Literature (Emphases in Renaissance Drama and Old and Middle English), University of Oregon
  • BA, English Language and Literature, Seattle Pacific University

Academic Area

  • School of Humanities and Sciences


  • Novels and Short Stories of Robert Olen Butler
  • Creative Writing
  • Poetry and Fiction Pertaining to the Vietnam War Era

Courses Taught

  • ENGL 110 – Freshman Writing Seminar
  • ENGL 111 – Introduction to Literature
  • ENGL 302 – Creative Writing: Poetry
  • ENGL 402 – Principles of Language
  • ENGL 404 – Approaches to Grammar