Student and parent on move-in day holding boxes

Student Resources and FAQs

The following information provides direction for coordinating your utilities in your apartment, submitting a work order to have something repaired, and making your living area feel like home.


Housing rates are reviewed for each academic year and are applied directly to student accounts for each semester. Rates vary based on living area and room type. Rates may also differ based on student occupancy in private bedrooms1. For current semester rates and information on private bedroom rates, view the 2024-25 Housing Rate Sheet (PDF).

Frequently Asked Questions

Any maintenance or furniture work orders can be submitted via In the left-hand navigation menu, scroll down and click on Campus Work Order.

If your request is an emergency, such as plumbing or electrical issues, gas smell, smoke, or fire, call the work order desk at (626) 812-3002, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

For after-hours emergencies, contact the Department of Campus Safety at (626) 815-5000.

Incoming undergraduate freshmen and sophomores typically live in one of our three residence halls. Most of our undergraduate incoming transfers may be assigned to one of our residence halls but may also be assigned to a campus apartment based on availability. Incoming graduate students who are granted an assignment live in University Village. Graduate housing is limited and assigned when available.

Adams Hall is an all-women residence hall. Engstrom and Trinity halls are coed, with single-sex floors and wings. Students and guests are not allowed to live with or engage in overnight stays with members of the opposite sex in the same living arrangements on or off campus. Exceptions to this policy (e.g., married students living off campus, students living in their parents’ home) may be approved on a case-by-case basis.

Every student in campus housing is provided with a bed, mattress, desk, chair, and set of drawers. Depending upon the living area, the set of drawers may be built-in or free-standing. It is important to note that most of the university’s beds are 36 x 80 inches long (twin XL). We recommend that students bring twin extra-long bedding.

Your room may look a bit bare at first, so you may want to bring some items to make it feel more like home. Please refer to our suggeted Housing Packing List (PDF).

In addition, APU has a long-standing partnership with Dormify, a one-stop shop for college, to help students easily find everything they need to make their rooms and apartments feel like home. From bedding and dorm bundles to storage essentials and decor, Dormify has curated school-approved items that will help make your transition to college easy.

When considering what to bring, please remember two basic rules:

  • Read the housing policies to see what you can and cannot do when considering “decorating” your room. There are also items you cannot bring, which are outlined there as well.
  • You will be sharing space with another person(s). Contact your roommate(s) and discuss what you each plan to bring. Don’t show up with two or three of everything!

What to Consider When Creating Your College Packing List

If you’re planning to live on campus at Azusa Pacific, here’s a look at what you should consider when packing for your first year of college.

We typically send out initial room assignments during the month of July for fall semester and over Christmas break for spring semester. When you receive your room assignment, it will include the name and contact information for your roommate(s).

If you live in one of our residence halls, you will most likely have one other roommate. Private rooms are offered on a limited basis, and tripled rooms may be required in years where enrollment is higher than expected.

All of our one-bedroom apartments house two students. All of our two-bedroom apartments house four students.

Roommate groups who lose a roommate before or in the middle of a term may receive a new roommate at any time. Assignments are based on current university need. The university endeavors to give at least 48 hours’ notice to all parties, but that is not always possible, for various reasons. Students cannot refuse a roommate in order to keep their unit under its standard capacity.

Make sure you look at the official information when you receive your housing assignment. This is also the day that Welcome Weekend begins.

Some students are required to move in early because they are involved with an athletic team, music group, or other activity that requires early arrival. If you are involved with one of those groups, you will receive information about your arrival date from your coach, director, or the coordinator of the activity with which you are involved.

Check-in for undergraduate and graduate students happens in the Office of Residence Life, located in the Engstrom Hall lounge. Review the official information sent with your housing assignment for more detailed information about check-in times.

Removable adhesive putty and other temporary mounting products may be used for decorating as long as no damage results from use. Any damage to walls, doors, or room surfaces will result in a charge and must be repaired by facilities management; students should not try to make repairs themselves.

Rooms may not be painted, nor may the facility be modified in any way. This includes putting up shelves that are screwed to the wall, changing light fixtures or switches, drilling holes in desks or cutting the bottom off your door (all of which have been tried in the past). Nothing may be hung from the ceiling.

Layouts and dimensions of typical rooms in all living areas can be found in the Living Areas section of this site.

No. Beginning in 2022-23, students will no longer have to set up, shut off, and coordinate utilities payments with their roommates. Utilities costs are now rolled into the posted in the 2024-25 Housing Rate Sheet (PDF).

Phone: (626) 812-3056

Although we encourage all students to return home for breaks, APU appreciates that some students may need to remain in the area for various reasons. Therefore, all of our living areas will remain open during university breaks. Students who wish to stay for winter break will be required to register in order to remain on campus. All university policies will remain in effect during breaks (i.e. visitation hours). In addition, campus services will be limited during breaks. For example, campus dining venues may be limited or closed completely during winter break.

Campus housing at APU is reserved for undergraduate students enrolled in at least 7 course units. Freshmen and sophomores are required to live in campus housing. See our housing policies for more information on eligibility and the residency requirement. APU also offers campus housing to graduate students on a limited basis. View the Graduate Campus Housing Program (PDF) for more information.


Students who get locked out of their room and need assistance should first call the “RA On-call” number. RA On-call numbers are posted in the common areas for each living area. RAs will make every effort to assist, but they may have limited availability during the day.

If you are unable to reach an RA, you can do one of two things.

  • During office hours, drop by the office of Residence Life in Engstrom Hall to obtain a “loaner key” to let yourself into your room/apartment. Residence Life is not open from 12-1pm for lunch and Mondays and Wednesdays from 10-11am. Loaner keys must be returned to the office immediately after use. Loaner keys not returned within one hour of receipt will incur a $25 fine. Keys not returned by the following day will have the locks changed ($60 for residence halls, $120 for apartments). 


  •  Contact Campus Safety for assistance at (626) 815-5000 or visit them in their office in Smith Hall.

While APU does not provide moving assistance or storage on campus during the summer, the university partners with Campus Storage to provide students with a solution for moving and storing belongings.

Campus Storage coordinates directly with students to pick up belongings from their campus residence when the academic year ends, and they will drop off belongings to students when they return in the fall. Please note that there are specific pick-up and delivery dates that are pre-approved and coordinated with the university. To check out the services they provide and how it works, visit the Campus Storage website. Please also see their Moving and Storage Made Simple Flyer (PDF) with a special offer.

Leaving Campus Housing Midterm

Withdrawal or Leave of Absence

Any undergraduate or graduate residential students who plan to leave the university through withdrawal or leave of absence must contact the registrar's office in the Student Services Center (SSC). Once the SSC approves the request, it will contact the Office of Residence Life and other appropriate offices. Students must then check out and return their key within 72 hours of notification, per housing policies.

Dismissal or Suspension

Students who leave the university through academic dismissal or suspension will have their housing assignment revoked and must check out and return their key within 72 hours of notification from Residence Life, per housing policies.

Petitioning to Have Your Assignment Terminated

The petition process is designed for students in the midst of hardship. If family or financial issues are leading to your desire to terminate your assignment, complete the Petition for Campus Housing Termination. The petition process evaluates new life events which have caused a student and/or their family to suffer hardship. Petitions are reviewed by Residence Life.

If you are looking for a less expensive option to cut costs, have found a more desirable option off campus, or have roommate conflict, this process is not for you. In addition, students with roommate conflict or facilities related concerns may not terminate their assignment and should contact their Area Director to find support and possible options within campus housing. APU holds students to their commitment, as laid out in the Commitment. Students must check out and return their key within 72 hours of approval. If a petition is approved for the upcoming spring semester, students must checkout by the fall semester checkout deadline.

Storage and Moving

While APU does not provide moving assistance or storage on campus during the summer, the university partners with Campus Storage to provide students with a solution for moving and storing belongings.

Campus Storage coordinates directly with students to pick up belongings from their campus residence when the academic year ends, and they will drop off belongings to students when they return in the fall. Please note that there are specific pick-up and delivery dates that are pre-approved and coordinated with the university. To check out the services they provide and how it works, visit the Campus Storage website. Please also see their Moving and Storage Made Simple Flyer (PDF) with a special offer.

Living With Roommates

A roommate can be a valued friend and a lifelong contact. When two people share a room, however, there are typically many adjustments for both individuals. Making those adjustments is an important part of your living and learning experience.

It is important to remember that when minor issues do arise, (loud music, too much or too little conversation, cleanliness, study or sleeping habits, attitudes towards visitation, etc.) the first obligation for each roommate is to discuss the matter with the other before it grows from a minor problem to a gnawing irritation. In those few instances when a difficulty cannot be satisfactorily resolved between the roommates, the residence hall staff is available to assist in working out a solution. Involve your resident advisor (RA) in your discussion. Problems ignored rarely disappear and will stand in the way of study, sleep, relaxation, and a good roommate experience. By discussing these issues and agreeing on how the issues will be handled, you can avoid future problems. More importantly, however, you and your roommate(s) will be establishing a pattern of open communication and mutual understanding.

When you sit down with your roommate(s), be honest with him/her and yourself. If you and your roommate(s) disagree or have different ideas, try to find the middle ground, a compromise with which you both can agree. Be willing to hear your roommate’s needs and desires and recognize that you both will need to adjust to the other for the roommate relationship to work for both of you. Good roommate relations take time; be patient, do not jump to conclusions, keep an open mind, and most of all keep talking to one another.

To help the communication process and avoid problems, here are some questions or ideas you might want to discuss with your roommate(s).

Learning About Each Other

  1. What are my habits/hobbies?
  2. How much sleep do I need and when do I need it?
  3. How do I feel about having friends in the room? (e.g., times, parties, etc.)
  4. What are my study habits?
  5. How do I like the room? Who cleans what and when?
  6. How do I feel about my possessions – what is okay to borrow? Not borrow?
  7. What has priority? (e.g., studying, sleeping, talking with friends, watching TV, etc.)
  1. What is my relationship with God?
  2. How would I describe myself?
  3. How do I feel about being away from home?
  4. Feelings about drugs, drinking, dating?
  5. What is my mood most of the time?
  6. When do I prefer to be left alone?
  7. What annoys me? What makes me happy?

While our office encourages students to pursue mediation to resolve conflict amongst roommates, we recognize that sometimes situations may not always be reconciled. In any roommate conflict situation, our Residence Life team will recommend that students pursue resolution by doing the following before obtaining a room change:

  1. First, have a conversation with your roommate(s) to try resolving conflict(s). Reference your roommate agreement if you have one, seek to find compromise, and establish healthy communication to try and find a resolution.
  2. If your conversation(s) with your roommate(s) are unsuccessful in resolving conflict, we encourage students to then reach out to their RA. RA's are trained in conflict mediation and, as such, are equipped to help students navigate various conflicts among each other. Your RA will schedule a time for all parties to sit down and discuss what has been going and what potential next steps could be.
  3. At this point in time, if conflict is still present, it is recommended that you reach out to your Area Director either to have another meeting or to begin working on a room change. Please submit a Room Change Request to start the dialogue with your Area Director. Submitting a Room Change Request does not guarantee a room change will occur.

It should be noted that in some situations, a mediation may not be pursued and your Area Director may work to initiate a room change. This is done at the Area Director's discretion.

If your Area Director ultimately initiates a room change for you, know that no specific spaces, room types, or living areas can be promised. At this point in time, the Area Director will reassign you to what is most appropriate and what is available. For example: it is possible that you may move from an apartment space to a residence hall space if that is all that is available.

Resources for Residents

Any living area maintenance concerns, including furniture, should be reported through the Facilities Management work order system, which can be accessed at—in the main menu on the left, click on My Resources, then General, then scroll down to Self Service/Campus Stuff, click on Campus Work Order, and follow the directions from there. If the work order system is down, calls will be accepted at (626) 812-3002. If there is a bug, flea, or roach problem, it must be reported to Facilities Management immediately. Facilities Management staff have the right to enter students’ rooms/units to perform maintenance work.
Students (and their visitors/guests) who bring a car on campus must follow the requirements of the APU Vehicle Code. The Department of Campus Safety issues parking permits and living area gate clickers. Bicycles must be registered with Campus Safety. Bicycles should be stored and locked in outside racks or stored in residents’ rooms/units. Bicycles may not be stored in stairwells, entryways, or other fire exits. The university cannot accept responsibility for the safekeeping of bicycles.
Information Technology (IT) manages wired and wireless network/Internet access in campus living areas. Questions can be addressed to the IT Support Center at or (626) 815-5050. There are several types of wireless devices that operate at a frequency which conflicts with the APU wireless network. Use of these wireless devices is strictly prohibited in all living areas. Failure to comply with this restriction will result in removal of the device from the living area and subject the residents to possible disciplinary action. See the IT website for a list of devices that are prohibited in the living areas.

If you have any issues or questions regarding our laundry or vending services please contact Heather Snyder at


What payment types are accepted?

APU partners with Smart O Mat and uses the PayRange app for all its housing laundry facilities. With PayRange, students and guests can enjoy the simplicity of paying for wash or dry cycles, checking machine availability, and receiving real-time updates on cycle times right from the convenience of their phones. For assistance with the PayRange app please watch the tutorials below:

What is the cost per load?

Wash: $2.00 per load Dryer: $1.75 per load

How do I use the Smart-O-Mat washers and dryers?

To operate washers, please follow these steps:

  1. Start by adding high-efficiency detergent to the washer. If the detergent you have is not

    high efficiency, use only one-quarter of the recommended amount.

  2. Next, load the clothes into the washer, being careful not to exceed a capacity of 65%.

  3. Select the desired cycle on the machine. For hotter water and an extra rinse, consider

    using the deluxe or ultra cycle.

  4. To pay for the cycle, either insert the appropriate coins into the machine or use the

    PayRange app to select the cycle and make payment.

  5. When you’re ready to start the wash cycle, press the start button on the machine.

To operate dryers, please follow these steps:
1. Begin by cleaning the lint filter on the dryer. This is an important step to ensure that the

dryer is functioning properly and efficiently.

  1. Next, load the clothes into the dryer.

  2. Select the desired cycle on the machine.

  3. To pay for the cycle, either insert the appropriate coins into the machine or use the

    PayRange app to select the cycle and make payment.

  4. When you're ready to start the cycle, press the start button on the machine.

  5. If you want to add additional minutes to the standard dry time, you can either add a

    quarter during the cycle or, if using the PayRange app, add $0.25 through the app

    during the cycle.

How can I request service for a washer or dryer?

Please request maintenance or service through one of the following options:

Call: 310-956-1655

When requesting service, please make sure to refer to the 6-character machine ID located on the front of the machine that needs to be serviced. This will help Smart-O-Mat identify and address the issue more efficiently.

Vending Services

There are snack and drink vending machines in all housing areas.

Mail service is not provided to individual living areas. Mail Services assigns each student a mailbox for the entire time he/she is enrolled at APU.
Students who participate in study away programs are encouraged to live in campus housing when they return. Students who study away have the same opportunities as all students to secure campus housing upon their return.
Residence Life can provide students with a verified record of their housing history. Any forms or verification requests from any other person or party should be directed to the Student Services Center.



  1. See our housing policies for more information on private bedrooms.