ITT staff

Message from the Executive Director

Mike headshot

In recent years, technology has radically transformed how faculty teach and how students learn. For example, web conferencing tools, learning management systems, and other Web-based technologies have enabled courses to be taught entirely online or in blended environments. In traditional classes, technology has enhanced and enriched the learning experience. These new learning modalities have forced programs and faculty to rethink not just the curriculum but also the pedagogy in how best to teach and engage their students.

The newly established Office of Innovative Teaching and Technology (ITT) exists to provide APU faculty pedagogical training, technical support, and ongoing encouragement to skillfully and strategically use technology in their courses. We coach faculty on the why, what, how, and when to appropriately and effectively employ technology in their courses to have the greatest impact. We work with faculty to help students gain traditional skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and effective communication, and new skills such as information literacy, media literacy, and technology competence.

At APU we are committed to helping students succeed by providing them access to the latest and greatest technologies, and more importantly by ensuring that our classes are taught by pedagogically informed and technologically competent faculty. To that end, we encourage all APU faculty to take advantage of the many services, opportunities, and resources our office has to offer.

If you have any questions or needs we can help with, please feel encouraged to contact us at We are here to serve you!

Mike Truong, PhD
Executive Director
Office of Innovative Teaching and Technology