Alfred Wilcox Collection
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- Alfred Wilcox Collection
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Darling LibraryCaptain Alfred Henry Wilcox, banker and director of the California and Mexican Steam Ship Line, and his wife, Maria Antonia Arguello, were the grandparents of Daphne Drake, the wife of Sayre Macneil. This collection consists principally of 1874-83 correspondence and financial papers of Wilcox pertaining to his business transactions in California. In addition, there are correspondence and documents of Arguello, primarily regarding the Wilcox Building in Los Angeles, and approximately 10 deeds and documents (1850-90) of the Arguello family in San Diego.
Description | Author or Recipient | Date | Folder |
Description | Author or Recipient | Date | Folder |
Personal: Copy of Baptismal Certificate | Arguello, Concepcion | 1791 | 1 |
Correspondence from: Arguello, Lola [i.ep; Dolores] | Arguello, Carmen | 1925 | 2 |
Land: Deed to Arguello, Dolores | Arguello, Francisco | 1888 | 3 |
Confirmation of Deed | Arguello, Francisco | 1888 | 4 |
Legal: Cancellation of Debt | Arguello, Santiago | 1849 | 5 |
Land: Deed to Arguello, Francisco | Arguello, Gertrudes and Dolores; Couts, Refugio | 1890 | 6 |
Land: Certificate of Title | Arguello, Pilar Ortega | 1889 | 7 |
Personal: "Estate of Don Santiago Arguello, Deceased" | Arguello, Santiago | 1877 | 8 |
Land: Quitclaim Deed to Arguello, Santiago | Aguirre, Jose Antonia, et al | 1850 | 9 |
Legal: Assignment of Interest | Estudillo, Francesca | 1869 | 10 |
Personal: Materials relating to Arguello Families | Arguello Family | No Date | 11 |
Correspondence to: Ames, Samuel A. | Birmingham, J. | 1878 | 12 |
Correspondence to: Finlay, A.J. | Birmingham, J. | 1877 | 13 |
Correspondence to: Murray, R. | Birmingham, J. | 1882 | 14 |
Land: Deed from Wilcox, Alfred Henry | Blanchard, Samuel H. | No Date | 15 |
Correspondence to: Dodge, W. | Booth, Senator Newton | 1877 | 16 |
Legal: Articles of Apprenticeship | Bowen, Lucretia | 1771 | 17 |
Land: Deed from Wilcox, Maria A[ntonia Arguello] | Couts, Refugio A.; Arguello, Francisco, Dolores and Gertrudes | 1888 | 18 |
Correspondence to: [Wilcox, Frances Amelia] (Fannie) [Drake] | Patrick, Mary S. | 1893 | 19 |
Correspondence from: Wilcox, Alfred Henry | Dwinelle, John W. | 1869 | 20 |
Correspondence from: Blanchard, S.A. | Faivre, [Joseph] | 1880 | 21 |
Correspondence from: Birmingham, J. | Hartshorne, B.M. | 1878-81 | 22-23 |
Correspondence from: Wilcox, Alfred Henry (Telegram) | Jeffries, Edw. | 1878 | 24 |
Correspondence from: Birmingham, J. | Longstreet, C[ornelius] Tyler | 1886-87 | 25 |
Accounts and Receipts: Letter regarding payment of Hills Brothers Account | Longstreet, C[ornelius] Tyler | 1895 | 26 |
Accounts and Receipts: Receipts and cancelled checks | Longstreet, C[ornelius] Tyler | No Date | 27 |
Correspondence from: Birmingham, J. | Longstreet, [Maria Antonia Wilcox] | 1886-95 | 28 |
Correspondence from: Couts, Refugio A. | Longstreet, [Maria Antonia Wilcox] | No Date | 29 |
Correspondence from: Drake, Frances [Amelia] [Wilcox] | Longstreet, [Maria Antonia Wilcox] | 1893 | 30 |
Land: Abstract of Title, Lot 10, Ord's Survey, Los Angeles | Longstreet, C. Tyler | 1883 | 31 |
Correspondence to: Elliot, J.M. | Longstreet, M[aria Antonia] W[ilcox] | 1894-95 | 32 |
Correspondence to: Marthen, M[ary] W. | Longstreet, M[aria Antonia] W[ilcox] | 1878-80 | 33 |
Correspondence to: Spence, E.F. | Longstreet, M[aria Antonia] W[ilcox] | 1886 | 34 |
Correspondence to: Talbot, W.W. | Longstreet, M[aria Antonia] W[ilcox] | 1887 | 35 |
Correspondence to: Wilcox, Alfred Henry, II | Longstreet, M[aria Antonia] W[ilcox] | 1926 | 36 |
Correspondence to: Miscellaneous Business Correspondence | Longstreet, M[aria Antonia] W[ilcox] | 1894-95 | 37 |
Personal: Calling Cards and other personal ephemera | Longstreet, M[aria Antonia] W[ilcox] | No Date | 38 |
Accounts and Receipts: City Tax Receipt | Longstreet, M[aria Antonia] W[ilcox] | 1895 | 39 |
Legal Papers: Inventory of Estate | Marthen, Mary W. | No Date | 40 |
Land: Deed from Evarts, Aaron | Stevens, Huldah | 1779 | 41 |
Correspondence from: Bemis, Charles C. | Talbot, William T. | 1893 | 43 |
Correspondence from: Elliott, J.M. | Talbot, William T. | 1892-93 | 44 |
Correspondence from: Fintzelberg, | Talbot, William T. | 1893 | 45 |
Correspondence to: Allen, R.H. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1850-52 | 46 |
Correspondence to: Arguello, Santiago E. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1854 | 47 |
Correspondence to: Birmingham, J. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1877-82 | 48-62 |
Correspondence to: Blake, James | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 18?? | 63 |
Correspondence to: Bowers, W.W. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1877 | 64 |
Correspondence to: Chase, Levi | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1882 | 65 |
Correspondence to: Cheney, G.A. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1877 | 66 |
Correspondence to: Couts, Y[sidora] B[andini] de | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1879 | 67 |
Correspondence to: Crary, O.B. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878 | 68 |
Correspondence to: Dana, Thesta (also written to Clarke, James G. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1874 | 69 |
Correspondence to: Derby, George H. "Instructions to Captain Wilcox" | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1852 | 70 |
Correspondence to: Drake, Francesca Ameloa (Fanny Wilcox) | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1851 | 71 |
Correspondence to: Divinelle, John W. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1869 | 72 |
Correspondence to: Fairchild, J.A. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880-83 | 73-82 |
Correspondence to: Faivre, Joseph | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878-83 | 83-89 |
Correspondence to: Gildersteen, H. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880-81 | 90 |
Correspondence to: Hall and Company | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | No Date | 91 |
Correspondence to: Hartshorne, B.H. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1854-82 | 92-93 |
Correspondence to: Hatch, C.E. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1869 | 94 |
Correspondence to: Hayes, Benjamin | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1877 | 95 |
Correspondence to: Hollenbeck, J.E. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878 | 96 |
Correspondence to: Hubbard, Samuel C. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1868-78 | 97 |
Correspondence to: Jeffries, Edw. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878 | 98 |
Correspondence to: Johns, Thomas D. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1850 | 99 |
Correspondence to: Johnson, George M. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878-83 | 100 |
Correspondence to: Johnston, Albert J. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878 | 101 |
Correspondence to: Le Sack, Mary J. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878 | 102 |
Correspondence to: [Longstreet, Maria Antonia](Mamie) Wilcox | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878-81 | 103 |
Correspondence to: Manning Thomas | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878 | 104 |
Correspondence to: Marthen, James B. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878-83 | 105-106 |
Correspondence to: Pease, Aaron G. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880-81 | 107 |
Correspondence to: Rosentirn, Julius | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880 | 108 |
Correspondence to: Scott, Chalmers | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1882 | 109 |
Correspondence to: Spence, E.F. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1875-83 | 110 |
Correspondence to: Stover, James | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1881 | 111 |
Correspondence to: Stewart, W.W. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1881-82 | 112 |
Correspondence to: Stover, Samuel | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880 | 113 |
Correspondence to: Truman, Ben C. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878 | 114 |
Correspondence to: Ubach, Antonio D. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1882 | 115 |
Correspondence to: Watermace, R.N. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878 | 116 |
Correspondence to: Wilcox, Gertrudeo Tulito | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1881 | 117 |
Correspondence to: Williston, E.B. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1881 | 118 |
Correspondence to: Winder, W.A. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878-83 | 119 |
Correspondence to: Winter, S. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1882 | 120 |
Correspondence to: Miscellaneous Correspondence regarding Wilcox Property | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1877-82 | 121 |
Personal: Bookplates | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | No Date | 130 |
Personal: List of Books | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | No Date | 131 |
Personal: Letters to Alfred Henry Wilcox | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1877-83 | 132 |
Personal: Letters of Introduction | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1862-80 | 133 |
Personal: The Yachting Circular | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1877 | 134 |
Personal: Yacht Club Invitations | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1878-83 | 135 |
Personal: Property List | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1876 | 136 |
Personal: Documents relating to A.H. Wilcox Internment | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1884-85 | 137 |
Personal: Memorandum of the Estate of A.H. Wilcox | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1885 | 138 |
Business: Documents pertaining to sheep business | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1865-69 | 139 |
Business: List of Stockholders: California Powder Works | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1869 | 140 |
Business: Financial Statement: Commercial Bank of San Diego | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1875 | 141 |
Business: Certificates of Inspection | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1875-76 | 142 |
Business: Newspaper Clipping | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880 | 143 |
Business: Notice of Assessment on Wilcox Stock | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1881-82 | 144 |
Land: Draft of newspaper notice regarding Arguello Property | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | No Date | 145 |
Legal Papers: Grant of Power of Attorney to Hubbard, S.C. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1861 | 146 |
Legal Papers: Grant of Power of Attorney to Spence, E.F. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1883 | 147 |
Legal Papers: Index to Accounts and Other Books | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | No Date | 148 |
Accounts and Receipts: Receipts and Cancelled Checks | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1873-83 | 149 |
Accounts and Receipts: Balance Sheets | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880 | 150-151 |
Accounts and Receipts: Statement of Account: Birmingham, J. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1877 | 152 |
Accounts and Receipts: Statement of Account: Fairchild, J.A. | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880-81 | 153-154 |
Accounts and Receipts: Statement of Account: Faivre, Joseph | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1880 | 155 |
Accounts and Receipts: State and County Tax Receipts | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1869-72 | 156 |
Accounts and Receipts: Receipts regarding Steamer Cuymaca | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | 1874 | 157 |
Miscellaneous: Map and Mission Claim | Wilcox, Alfred Henry | No Date | 158 |
Correspondence to: Elliott, J.M. | Wilcox, Maria Antonia Arguello | 1883 | 159 |
Correspondence to: Ubach, Antonio O. | Wilcox, Maria Antonia Arguello | 1883 | 160 |
Correspondence to: Willey, H.I. | Wilcox, Maria Antonia Arguello | 1883 | 161 |
Legal: Last Will and Testament | Wilcox, Maria Antonia Arguello | 1905 | 162 |
Personal: Death Announcement | Wilcox, Maria Antonia Arguello | 1909 | 163 |
Accounts and Receipts: To Maria Antonia Arguello Wilcox | Wilcox, Maria Antonia Arguello | 1906 | 164 |
Articles of Incorporation | Wilcox Realty Company | 1902 | 165 |
Correspondence to: Fintzelberg and Steinmetz | Wilcox Realty Company | 1938 | 166 |
Correspondence to: Shainwald, Buckbee, and Company | Wilcox Realty Company | 1900-06 | 167-168 |
Land: Letters and Documents regarding Pico, Hill Property | Wilcox Realty Company | No Date | 169 |
Land: Certificate of Title: Pico and Hill | Wilcox Realty Company | 1906 | 170 |
Quitclaim Deed: Paton, George | Wilcox Realty Company | 1900 | 171 |
Quitclaim Deed: Delaney, Ellen | Wilcox Realty Company | 1900 | 172 |
Deed: Wilcox, Maria Antonia Arguello | Wilcox Realty Company | 1900 | 173-174 |
Deed: Wilcox Realty Company | Wilcox Realty Company | 1902 | 175-176 |
Agreement: Hartshorne, R., Trask, J.H., and Ward, M.W. | Wilcox Realty Company | 1902 | 177 |
Deed: Wilcox Realty Company | Wilcox Realty Company | 1902 | 178 |
Deed: Longstreet, Maria Antonia Wilcox | Wilcox Realty Company | 1891 | 179 |
Deed and Party Wall Agreement: Lang, Rosini, et al | Wilcox Realty Company | 1901 | 180 |
Agreements: California Club | Wilcox Realty Company | 1895-1903 | 181 |
Agreements: Party Wall Agreement: Lang, Rosini, et al | Wilcox Realty Company | 1901 | 182-183 |
Agreements: Property Agreement: 2nd and Spring, Los Angeles | Wilcox Realty Company | 1895 | 184 |
Accounts and Receipts: O'Melveny, H.W.--Statement | Wilcox Realty Company | 1902 | 185 |
Land: Deed from Ward, John | Willcock, John | 1724 | 186 |
Legal Papers: Bond from: Jessup, Bothiah | Willcock, John | 1738 | 187 |
Legal Papers: Bond to: Mackie, John | Willcock, John | 1738 | 188 |
Correspondence from: Unknown | Williams, John | 187? | 189 |
Wilcox Collection: 2 photographs | No Date | 190 | |
Index to Wilcox Collection Letter Book | No Date | 191 | |
Wilcox Collection Letter Book | No Date | 192 |
Collection Highlights
The four linear feet of Wilcox papers shed important light on the economic climate in San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco in the 1870s and 1880s. The collection was the gift of Hugh L. Macneil II, James D. Macneil, and Jacqueline Smith Phelps to Azusa Pacific College in 1974. Highlights include:
Photo Gallery
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