Training, Policies, and Resources
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- Training, Policies, and Resources
The Office of Research and Grants offers a variety of professional development options on topics related to grant development, research administration, responsible conduct of research (RCR), institutional review, and more. We offer these opportunities throughout the academic year. For a full list of offerings and online resources, visit the following:
Responsible Conduct of Research Series
The goals of RCR training are to:
- Encourage best practices in the conduct of research
- Foster an ability to recognize an ethical choice and the ability to make a principled decision
- Provide accessible educational opportunities and resources designed to help students and postdoctoral researchers meet the America COMPETES Act section 7009 requirements.
ORG provides RCR workshops for faculty, staff, and student participation. Researchers and students funded by NSF and/or NIH are required to complete face-to-face RCR training. Certain topics are required for all grant-funded researchers at APU.
The following PDFs contain policy information crucial to research and grants at Azusa Pacific:
Research Policies
- Policy on Integrity in Research (PDF)
- Policy for Conflicts of Interest in Research (PDF)
- Whistleblower Policy (PDF)
- Whistleblower Protections in Federal Grants and Contracts (PDF)
Grants Policies
- Policy on Compensation to APU Faculty from External Project Funds (PDF)
- Policy for Fringe Benefits from Grants (PDF)
- Grant Property and Inventory Management Policy (PDF)
- Grant Property and Inventory Management Procedure and Workflow (PDF)
- Grants Internal Controls Policy (PDF)
General Policies and Procedures Relevant for Research Administration
- Policy and Procedure for Expense Reimbursement (PDF)
- Travel and Business Expense Guidelines and Procedures (PDF)
- Purchasing Policy and Procedures (PDF)
- Payroll Policy and Procedures (PDF)
- General Accounting Policy: Overview (PDF)
- General Accounting Policy: Accounting for Financial Transactions (PDF)
- General Accounting Policy: Accounting System Maintenance (PDF)