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Public Relations

The public relations division of Strategic Communication and Engagement provides accurate and current information about Azusa Pacific University to print, broadcast, and online media representatives. By building relationships and distributing materials (including news releases, media alerts, and pitch letters) the public relations team communicates the university’s mission and purpose through the promotion of programs, experts, and events.

Keep Us Informed

If a situation or event arises that may attract media representatives to the campus, or if a reporter is already on campus to cover a situation or event, please immediately inform Rachel White, associate vice president of strategic communication and engagement, at (626) 815-4502 so that we may work to assist the media 

We encourage faculty and administrators to become more involved and take a proactive role in notifying our division of events, new programs, special guest speakers, scholarly activities, and areas of expertise. Events should be reported at least four to six weeks in advance. To notify the public relations team of possible news items, contact Nathan Foster (626) 815-4505 or nfoster@apu.edu.

University Experts

What does it mean to serve as an expert? Faculty, staff, and administrators can serve as experts to media contacts in their individual areas of expertise. Reporters contact the media relations team looking for experts to discuss subjects related to current trends and events.

If you are comfortable working with the media and wish to be part of our expert directory, please contact Rachel White at (626) 815-4502 or rewhite@apu.edu.

Working with the Media

As APU faculty or staff, you have the potential to serve as a great source of information to the media. Keep in mind that sharing information with reporters influences the credibility and integrity of both you and the university. Additionally, keeping the community and alumni aware of faculty and staff research findings generates even more support for students and the campus. Most importantly, by speaking to the press you have the opportunity to communicate your message or findings to thousands, perhaps millions of people.

To help prepare you to speak to reporters, the public relations team has compiled a list of tips for working with the media. If you have been contacted by a reporter, or anticipate talking to the media, please contact Rachel White at (626) 815-4502.