West Campus aerial shot

Community Policies and Standards

At Azusa Pacific, we are called to honor God in our daily life choices and to respect the community around us as we live, work, and study on campus. Our goal is to walk alongside students throughout their time at APU, so they can make the most of their university experience while remaining accountable to the university’s policies and community expectations and values.

It is important that each student develop a living and learning style that is consistent with the Christian standards of Azusa Pacific University. These standards and policies help create an environment that is respectful of individual rights, freedoms, and responsibilities, one where all are free to pursue academic excellence, and one that brings glory to God. All traditional undergraduate students, both residential and commuters, are responsible for reading and adhering with all university policies and procedures, whether on or off campus. All procedures, regulations, and policies related to living and learning within the APU community are outlined in the Undergraduate Student Handbook and/or the Undergraduate Catalog. Students are also encouraged to hold one another accountable to APU community expectations, regardless of location, to foster personal growth and development.

Failure to comply with community expectations or a university policy will result in disciplinary process. Each student is expected to assume responsibility for their actions and to cooperate fully with the process of a conduct violation. Those who are aware of misconduct are encouraged to report it as quickly as possible to the offices of Human Resources, Student Life, Residence Life, Commuter Services, and/or the Department of Campus Safety. The accountability process within the university is designed to help students develop a living and learning style consistent with the Christian standards of Azusa Pacific University.

The process to address any alleged violation of university policy is designed to hold students accountable in a manner that is respectful, developmental, and redemptive. When a student acts in a way that violates university policy, they are subject to a disciplinary process, which is based on the assumption that accountability procedures, when required, will be educational. Therefore, all alleged violations of university policies are reviewed through “educational meetings” with students and not through efforts intended in any way to mimic court or legal proceedings. The university’s focus is on helping maintain community values and assisting members to learn from any issues that may arise from their choices.

In accordance with federal law and to assist in guarding student safety, Azusa Pacific University establishes the following missing student notification policy and investigation procedures.

Missing Persons Statement

The university will make every reasonable effort to locate a missing residential student through the collaboration of the Department of Campus Safety, the Office of Residence Life, the Division of Student Life, and local law enforcement.

  • Residential Student: For purpose of this policy, a residential student is enrolled in the academic program and resides in on-campus housing.
  • On-campus housing facility: Any student housing facility that is owned or controlled by APU, or is located on property that is owned or controlled by APU, and is within the reasonably contiguous geographic area that makes up the campus.
  • Missing: A residential student is presumed missing if he or she has not reached their expected destination, or if suspicious or unusual circumstances are believed to be the cause of the absence (including but not limited to foul play, expression of suicidal thoughts, drug dependence, or when the absence is contrary to his or her normal pattern of behavior).
  • Confidential Contact: A confidential contact is the individual named by the residential student, to be contacted no later than 24 hours after the university determines the student is missing.

Anyone who has information that a student may be a missing person is strongly encouraged to notify the Department of Campus Safety and local law enforcement. The Department of Campus Safety will make a determination whether the student is missing, and, for such students, the department will immediately investigate the location of the missing student and, as needed, assist the primary law enforcement agency in that effort.

University officials will attempt to determine the residential student’s whereabouts through contact with known friends, associates, and/or employers of the student. Whether or not the student has been attending classes, labs, recitals, and scheduled organizational or academic meetings; or appearing for scheduled work shifts will be established. If the student is not immediately located, the Department of Campus Safety will secure authorization from the Executive Director of Residence Life to conduct a welfare entry into the student's on-campus room.

If the student is located, an attempt to ascertain the student’s state of health and, if located off campus, intention of returning to the campus shall be made. Referrals will be made as needed to the Student Health Center, University Counseling Center and/or the Office of the Campus Pastors.

If the student is not immediately located, notification of the student’s emergency contact, local law enforcement, and any other contact person identified by a residential student (see below) will be made within 24 hours after determining that the student is missing.

Confidential Contact

In addition to registering a general emergency contact, students residing in on-campus housing have the option to identify a confidential contact who would be notified in the event that the student is determined to be missing by local law enforcement or the Department of Campus Safety. A student who wishes to identify a confidential contact may do so by contacting the Office of Residence Life.

A student’s confidential contact information will be accessible only by authorized campus officials and law enforcement in the course of the investigation. If a student has identified such an individual, APU official(s) will notify that individual no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing.

If the missing residential student is under the age of 18 and is not an emancipated individual, APU official(s) will notify the student’s parent or legal guardian/custodian in writing no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. Unless the local law enforcement agency is the agency that made the determination that the student is missing, the local law enforcement agency also will be notified no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing.

In an effort to reflect our university’s values and mission, all music, movies, and TV shows played at APU-related events must meet criteria. Read the APU Media Policy (PDF) for details.
All flyers and posters must be approved by the Office of Campus Life prior to posting around campus. Read the Sign Posting Policy (PDF) for details.

The policy of Azusa Pacific University with respect to peaceful assembly and forums on all campuses is as follows:

Time, manner, and place are subject to the approval of the Office of Student Affairs, (626) 815-2078. A formal request via email to studentaffairs@apu.edu is required by an APU student or student group at least five business days in advance in order to be considered for approval. Include details of the proposed assembly or forum, including contact information of the point person (or sponsoring group), proposed day and time (duration), location (Seven Palms or Kresge Plaza), purpose, intended audience, and how this proposed gathering is in alignment with APU’s mission and vision and would be facilitated in a way that is consistent with this Student Peaceful Assembly and Forum Policy.

The requesting student or student group will receive a written notification regarding the request. If denied, the rationale will be communicated to the applicant. If approved, such written approval must be in possession of those in charge at the time and location of the assembly/forum, and all university policies must be adhered to during the event. Sponsoring group/students are responsible for any financial cost associated with the event.  

Time and place guidelines: Approved assemblies and forums may take place between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday-Friday, except during chapel or within 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after chapel, to avoid congestion or interference with attendance and worship, and may occur only in the interior of Seven Palms Amphitheater on East Campus or Kresge Plaza on West Campus.

Manner guidelines: Assemblies and forums may not interfere with or disrupt the orderly conduct of university business or events, causing safety/security concerns, congestion, undue noise, violation of fire and other applicable codes, etc., and may not infringe on the rights of or harm others. Threats of harm to others or incitements to violence are not permitted. In the event the area is not restored to its original condition, or damage occurs to APU property, the organizer will bear fiscal accountability.

Security guidelines: Attendance exceeding certain limits may result in the need for a security presence, which will be provided at the cost of the applicant (to be paid in advance). Consult the Office of Student Affairs for more information.

Media guidelines: All external media, whether invited by the sponsoring student/student group or arriving unannounced, must adhere to university guidelines. Media should be directed to the Division of Strategic Communications and Engagement, (626) 815-4500, so staff may facilitate interviews and direct media representatives to locations deemed appropriate. Unlike APU’s public counterparts, media are not allowed on campus without expressed permission granted by the Division of Strategic Communication and Engagement. This includes location setup of reporters, cameras, and news vehicles. Strategic Communication and Engagement staff will advise media as to location and assist with arranging interviews with sponsoring groups. This safeguards student privacy and the overall living-learning environment while maximizing the ability of media to connect with the appropriate interview subjects. Under no circumstances are media permitted in chapel, so as to safeguard the worship experience. 

It is the desire of APU to allow the appropriate expression of views that do not conflict with the religious mission, identity, and tenets of our unique Christian higher education community, while adhering to the framework this policy promotes. Assemblies or forums with conduct or messages that conflict with APU’s religious mission, identity, and tenets are not permitted.

Assemblies or forums that violate this policy or the limitations of permitted assemblies will be investigated under the Community Expectations standards and will result in appropriate disciplinary action, which could lead to suspension or expulsion from the university. For more information, review the Undergraduate Student Handbook: A Faith and Living Community.

Sexual misconduct offenses include sexual harassment, nonconsensual sexual contact (or attempts to commit same), nonconsensual sexual intercourse (or attempts to commit same), sexual exploitation, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. These behaviors are strictly prohibited.

Please refer to the university’s About Title IX website.

View the Vehicle Code.

In an effort to keep students’ personal information secure and to provide nonpartisan voter registration, only APU departments or student clubs/organizations may host on-campus voter registration events. Sponsoring departments and student organizations must request a table on Cougar Walk or Kresge Plaza through 25Live (events.apu.edu) and have it approved through Event Services prior to hosting.

To ensure nonpartisan voter registration, on-campus voter registrations cannot be used to solicit or endorse political candidates, voter initiative petitions, and/or ballot measures. Any posters that advertise voter registration may not include endorsements of political candidates, voter initiative petitions, ballot measures, or partisan political issues. Those assisting with voter registration must check in with the Department of Campus Safety (DCS) to receive a visitor voter registration badge prior to conducting the voter registration event. Anyone seen conducting voter registration without the badge will be asked to cease activity immediately.

Information on voter registration for students can be found on APU’s Voter Information Website.