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Student Handbook: A Faith and Living Community

Supporting the Holistic Development of APU Students

Those who live and learn together at Azusa Pacific form the fabric of our Christ-centered university community. Shared values, mutual respect, and hospitality are cherished attributes that each member contributes to and works hard to safeguard. Spiritual formation, student care, service, diversity, and religious expression combine to form the essence of our mission-driven community.

To learn more about community values and expectations for our students, read our Faith and Learning Community.

Learn more about community expectations for our graduate and professional students.

To learn more about APU’s mission and community expectations, read our What We Believe statements.

Undergraduate Community Living Values

Azusa Pacific University is a community of faith and learning with deep roots in the Wesleyan Holiness tradition. As a diverse community of students, faculty, and staff—from all 50 states, more than 57 countries, and in excess of 55 Christian faith traditions—the university provides an environment rich in opportunities to grow into believers and disciples, and from students to scholars.

As a part of this dynamic environment, students are expected to live maturely and demonstrate appropriate behavior in all relationships. The university’s standards for living aid in the holistic development of each student. By striving for God’s best, students thrive in a healthy and caring community.

Our identity in Christ gives meaning and purpose to our existence. Knowing who we are as a Christ-centered university informs our behavior, guides our decisions, and provides a clear identity for our community. Community thrives when the needs of all are considered. It flourishes in a place where love for God and neighbor is cultivated and nurtured. It grows strong when members practice integrity, confession, and forgiveness; strive to live in reconciled relationships; accept responsibility for their actions and words; and submit to biblical instructions for communal life.

At APU, we are committed to modeling, teaching, and helping our students understand our evangelical Christian worldview. Our desire is to support students as they develop Christ-like maturity in their daily practices and choices. Our Community Living Values are derived from the tenets of our faith, which may be viewed as countercultural.

As we apply these values, we demonstrate respect for others who may hold beliefs contrary to ours, a readiness to listen carefully to those who represent perspectives unfamiliar to us, and a concern for how our actions might impact the lives of those around us. We believe our Community Living Values provide an important guide for the holistic development of our students during their journey at Azusa Pacific University.

We value discipleship. The word “disciple” (Greek: matheiteis) occurs 269 times in the New Testament, most often used in reference to followers of Jesus. As an extension of the Great Commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) and APU’s mission statement, we believe that discipleship and scholarship go hand-in-hand. As students learn about the world and cultivate the gifts that God has given them, they will gain valuable tools for a life of discipleship. Likewise, discipleship leads to curiosity about God and His creation that can invigorate one’s scholarship and holistic development.

Part of college student development and young adult spiritual formation is formulating and moving toward individual faith commitments, which can be both fulfilling and challenging. In addition to making the most of their experiences in chapel, in acts of service, and academically through faith-integration efforts, our desire is that students intentionally choose to pursue a deeper faith in Christ through commitments, disciplines, and efforts that make this decision central to their experience. Students are invited to demonstrate this desire to deepen faith in Christ through relational discipleship.

Since discipleship extends into every facet of life, it is our desire to help each student find relationships that can encourage and challenge them to grow in Christ and follow Him faithfully. These relationships may occur through formal programs or through friendships, and may involve peers and mentors such as faculty and staff. Discipleship experiences include scripture study and application, prayer, spiritual disciplines, support, challenge, service, and accountability. Opportunities for intentional relational discipleship are available across campus, and students are also encouraged to consider small groups and mentoring facilitated through the Office of the Campus Pastors.

Learn more about Spiritual Life.


We value service. As one of APU’s Four Cornerstones, service is at the heart of our local and international outreach, missions, and service-learning endeavors. Our students often find these experiences to be among the most impactful of their lives.

The university desires to see the service experience connect to a deeper relationship with Christ, develop a greater sense of community, and model scholarship put into practice (Romans 12: 9-13). To this end, we strive to ensure that every student has intercultural experiences during their time at APU.

A student’s service may correlate with his or her academic coursework or it may be an opportunity to branch out of the classroom experience. Students’ involvement in ministry opportunities satisfies service credits toward their graduation requirement.

Learn more about service opportunities and requirements.

We value corporate worship. Chapel is an essential part of the APU student experience. Gathering together for a consistent rhythm of corporate worship builds our sense of community and creates the opportunity to grow together as disciples and scholars. Since we believe corporate worship is an integral part of a student’s spiritual formation in their co-curricular experience, chapel attendance is required for all full-time traditional undergraduate students.

Student Life is committed to providing corporate worship experiences that are biblical, relevant, diverse, and challenging. APU selects speakers and presenters who will communicate messages rooted in Scripture that shape and deepen our understanding of what it means to be Christ-followers in the world today. Presenters include our own staff and faculty, local church pastors, authors, speakers, and recording artists from around the world.

Although chapel is not a replacement for church, it is a place where we honor and worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Students are expected to be attentive and respectful participants during the chapel experience. Our prayer is that we are all transformed as a result of our corporate experiences together.

Learn more about chapel expectations, etiquette, and requirements.

We value diversity. As an evangelical Christian community of disciples and scholars, Azusa Pacific University approaches diversity from a biblical perspective, affirming that diversity is an expression of God’s image, love, and boundless creativity.

We believe that all people, without exception, bear the image of God (Genesis 1:27, 9:6; James 3:9). We also believe that, because sin has marred each individual, Christ, in His great love, chose to die on the cross for the sake of every person (I John 2:2; John 3:16) so that all may receive forgiveness for sin and be reconciled to God. Our pursuit of diversity involves fulfilling Christ’s command to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 19:19; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27).

We support a diverse university across lines of race, ethnicity, culture, gender, socioeconomic status, class, age, and ability. In submitting to the Lordship of Christ, we seek to eliminate attitudes of superiority and to fulfill Christ’s charge to reach all peoples. Therefore, we must submit to Christ and love one another as we appreciate individual uniqueness while pursuing the unity for which Jesus prayed (John 17:21).

With Christ as our example, we seek to create space for dialogue and engagement that allows people to feel safe and respected. Should concerns arise, our Student Life and Student Center for Reconciliation and Diversity teams offer resources to engage with and assist students. We also offer a Bias Reporting System that empowers students and community members to make reports and seek recourse if an intentional or unintentional act or disrespectful behavior occurs. This sets in motion a process of accountability, resolution, and reconciliation.

We value sexual stewardship. As an evangelical community of disciples and scholars who embrace the historic orthodox Christian understanding of Holy Scripture, Azusa Pacific University holds that sexuality is a gift from God. Therefore, we seek to cultivate a community in which sexuality is embraced as God-given and good, and where biblical standards of sexual behavior are upheld.

The APU community is committed to treating everyone with respect and Christ-like compassion. We are committed to applying uniform standards to all students in a nondiscriminatory fashion.

We believe that students are best supported if they are able to share their questions and concerns with trusted others and understand that concerns about sexuality may be difficult to disclose. In all such personal issues, we commit to discipling our students with discretion, sensitivity, discernment, grace, and truth so that as they steward their sexuality and expressions of intimacy, students make decisions based on historical biblical values.

We affirm a biblical foundation for sexual relationships in full accord with APU’s Human Sexuality statement. We believe that God designed the covenant of marriage and that individuals should remain celibate outside of that marriage covenant.

The university does not condone illegal behavior, such as sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual harassment, and stalking. Reports of such behavior will be addressed through APU’s Title IX office.

We value community care. As a dynamic and diverse community, we respect each other and address concerns or behaviors that may arise that are detrimental to the community. This requires intentionality in building relationships, ownership of one’s actions to promote well-being within the community, and bravery to address actions that harm the community.

APU students are respectful of the individual rights and freedoms of others within the APU community, including faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Further, whether living on or off campus, we have a responsibility to be good neighbors by caring for our surrounding communities. We recognize that our actions and choices impact ourselves and others. As we live out community care, we are reminded of the opportunity and privilege we have to be difference makers and positively impact our local and global communities.

If you are a student in academic or emotional distress, or know of a student who is, please complete an APU C.A.R.E.S. form.

We value integrity. Honesty and integrity are foundational within an academic institution, and are crucial for any community’s health. APU students are expected to conduct themselves in ways that reflect these values. Dishonesty in any form (including but not limited to: knowingly furnishing false information, omitting or withholding information, or intentional misrepresentation) negatively impacts both the individual and the community and will be addressed.

As a reminder, students should familiarize themselves with the university’s Academic Integrity Policy and Pledge, which reads as follows:

“As a student at this Christ-centered university, I will uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors, nor will I accept the actions of those who do. I will conduct myself responsibly and honorably in all my academic activities as an Azusa Pacific University student.”

Learn more about APU’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Undergraduate Community Standards and Policies

At Azusa Pacific, we are called to honor God in our daily life choices and to respect the community around us as we live, work, and study on campus. Our goal is to walk alongside students throughout their time at APU, so they can make the most of their university experience while remaining accountable to the university’s policies and community standards.

Learn more about our standards and campus policies.

Undergraduate Community Resources

Azusa Pacific University is invested in the holistic wellness of our campus community. APU provides resources that promote academic, emotional, social, and spiritual thriving for all students. The following offices are available and eager to assist students in reaching their personal potential and achieving their educational and vocational goals.

Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectations

Azusa Pacific University is an institution built on Four Cornerstones: Christ, Scholarship, Community, and Service. In this section we focus on the cornerstone of community:

We believe in community. We are a richly diverse people who value the worth of each individual. Our mission is to encourage, equip, and enable each student to fulfill his or her great potential, and in turn, encourage, equip, and enable others.

An understanding of the importance of community within the Azusa Pacific University setting is fundamental when considering our Student Community Expectations. For our mission to be fulfilled and our students to have a rewarding experience, we must uphold some basic principles of community within our educational context. Therefore, our Student Community Expectations are founded on basic principles necessary to sustain this cornerstone of community. These include individual integrity, respect for others, and respect for the university. When together we practice these Student Community Expectations, we are most likely to live out and experience the God-given benefit of community as intended at APU.

We regard APU’s Community Expectations as standards that members of the APU community have voluntarily associated with and accept. Expectations are applied uniformly to all graduate and professional students. While we respect the right of our students to have opinions counter to our own, we expect all students to abide by our Graduate and Professional (G/P) Student Community Expectations and other university policies during their tenure at APU.

Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectations are listed in the section below.

Graduate and Professional Students may be held responsible for violations of undergraduate student expectations in order to ensure consistency and fairness (e.g., if a graduate and undergraduate are together in the same activity that violates only the undergraduate standards) or if they are found to have facilitated conduct violations by undergraduate students.

The Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectations discussed in this section of the catalog convey the university’s expectations of all graduate and professional students and should be understood as university-wide requirements in addition to program-specific requirements. When alleged violations of any university policies occur, there may be parallel processes including information sharing with judicial affairs and academic departments, because some academic departments and programs have expectations of student conduct specific to their profession and/or discipline. In addition, they also have administrative procedures for addressing alleged violations of those expectations. Students should refer to their program handbooks, where those exist, for details on conduct expectations and the process for addressing infractions.

Community Social Misconduct

Community social misconduct is defined generally as any act(s) that threatens the well-being of the community, its integrity and Christian values, or the well-being of any member of the community and guests. This behavior is unacceptable in any campus setting or while attending or participating in a university sponsored event.


All students must conduct themselves in a manner that promotes and supports the well-being of the community, its integrity, and Christian values. The university reserves the right to confront and hold students accountable for behavior that is detrimental to the student, infringes upon the rights and sensitivities of others, or has the appearance of impropriety (appears to not be in keeping with accepted university standards of what is right and proper). For example, students should refrain from actively participating in or being present at an event where community expectations are being violated on campus or at university sponsored events.

Mutual Respect

Students are expected to be respectful of the individual rights and freedoms of others within the APU community, including faculty, staff, students, and visitors. If a shared sense of understanding does not exist between community members, students are still expected to exhibit an outward sensitivity to the inherent diversity within the APU community. Conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual based upon their race, ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, military or veteran status, religion, or denominational difference will not be tolerated.

Student Integrity

Honesty and integrity are foundational within an academic institution and are crucial for any community’s health. APU students are expected to conduct themselves in ways that reflect these values. As such, dishonesty in any form (including but not limited to: knowingly furnishing false information, omitting or withholding information, or intentional misrepresentation) will result in disciplinary action.

As a reminder, students should familiarize themselves with the university’s Academic Integrity Policy and Pledge, which reads as follows:

“As a student at this Christ-centered university, I will uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. I will not lie, cheat, or steal in my academic endeavors, nor will I accept the actions of those who do. I will conduct myself responsibly and honorably in all my academic activities as an Azusa Pacific University student.”

Noncompliance with a University Official

The university strictly prohibits any violations of noncompliance, such as: Failure to obey the summons and/or directives of a university official from key offices/departments. (e.g. academic departments, Campus Safety (including University Resource Officer), Residence Life, Student Affairs, Commuter Life, Campus Life, and Judicial Affairs).

Any student determined to be a habitual traffic offender or in violation of imposed parking sanctions on campus will be found to have violated the Community Expectations.

Noncompliance and Disruption of the Accountability Process

Because of the desire for the disciplinary process to be educational and redemptive, students are expected to honestly and completely invest in the process. Students will be held accountable for:

  • Failing to fully disclose all requested or related information relative to the alleged violation to a university official during an investigation or the disciplinary process.
  • Falsifying, lying, hiding, distorting, or misrepresenting information relevant to or requested in connection with and/or during an investigation or the disciplinary process.
  • Disrupting or interfering with orderly conduct during an investigation or the disciplinary process.
  • Attempting to or disrupting an individual’s required participation during an investigation or the disciplinary process.


Each situation is case-specific, and a self-report may, but will not necessarily, result in sanctions different from those that would have been issued had the violation been found through the investigation process.

Breaking the Law

Students who break the law, either on or off campus, will be subject to investigation and the disciplinary process. When a student is charged by a federal, state, or local authority during their time as a student, he or she must notify the university in writing regarding the incident(s). The university will not request special consideration for that individual because of his/her student status, and the university will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies in the enforcement of the law.

View the number of crimes reported to campus authorities during the past four years.

Disruption of Community Worship

Students may not protest, disrupt, or distract others during any university chapel or worship event. This type of behavior violates our expectations as a worshiping community and is against the law.


The taking of the property of another without his or her consent is prohibited. Violation of this policy may be subject to probable suspension or expulsion from the university.


The university is committed to fostering a positive learning, working, and living environment. Harassment will not be tolerated. (See also Mutual Respect and Sexual Harassment, Stalking, and Sexual Violence.)

Harassment may take place in any form, including conduct that is oral, physical, written, or visual. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, objectionable epithets, demeaning depictions or treatment, and threatened or actual abuse or harm based on an individual’s race, ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, military or veteran status, religion, or denominational difference.

Harassment may also take place in the form of a hostile environment, which is any harassment that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive so as to interfere with or limit the ability of a student to participate in or benefit from the university’s programs or activities.

Fighting and Violence

Physical violence toward another person is strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy may be subject to probable suspension or expulsion from the university.

Threatening or Endangering Physical or Emotional Well-being

The university will not tolerate expressed or implied threats against others. Any conduct that threatens or endangers the health, physical, or emotional well-being of a community member, including oneself, either on or off campus, is not acceptable. This may also include any conduct violation motivated by bias, prejudice, or insensitivity toward personal characteristics. Where bias or prejudice is involved, it may result in significantly more serious sanctions, including possible suspension or expulsion.

APU provides several offices to support the medical and mental health needs of students within the context of our campus community. Although these offices are able to address many areas of concern, at times, a student’s medical or mental health condition may require a type or level of ongoing professional care that either exceeds what the university has the resources to provide or is incompatible by its nature with the individual’s responsibilities as an APU student (e.g., required in-patient care or rehabilitation for an extended period). Examples of such conditions include, but are not limited to, eating disorders, substance abuse, life-threatening behaviors, and severe or chronic psychotic episodes. As it is our desire to work collaboratively with all students, each student will be assessed individually and on a case-by-case basis. If, based on the judgment of a qualified health professional, such conditions are present and the student refuses to follow the advice of the qualified health professional to pursue appropriate treatment recommendations, and the student presents a substantial risk of self-harm, the student will be referred to the disciplinary process to a determine if the student has violated school policy (see Threatening or Endangering Physical or Emotional Well-being), and if so, what the appropriate sanctions are. As with all disciplinary matters, each investigation and decision will be made on an individualized, case-by-case basis.


Bullying is the verbal, written, or physical abuse of another person beyond a reasonable expression of opinion which causes or is likely to cause another person physical or psychological harm. Behavior that causes humiliation, stress, or emotional harm, or is harassing in nature is considered bullying. All forms of bullying are strictly prohibited. Please also refer to Mutual Respect and Harassment.

Biohazard and Bodily Fluid

Student use of any form of biohazard (e.g. bodily waste or fluid from a human or animal) apart from any academic requirements is dangerous to the health of community members and is strictly prohibited on or off campus. Violation of this policy will result in a minimum fine of $500 per person as well as any additional cost for cleanup and personnel.


Any and all forms of hazing and initiation are strictly prohibited, whether voluntary or involuntary. The university takes very seriously any alleged forms of hazing. Hazing includes, but is not limited to:

  • All forms of physical activity deemed dangerous or harmful
  • The application of foreign substances to the body
  • Scavenger hunts involving illegal activities, kidnapping, or abandoning a member of the community
  • Depriving others of sleep as an intentional part of activities
  • Not providing decent and edible foods
  • Depriving students’ means of maintaining personal hygiene
  • Forcing, coercing, pressuring, or requiring students to consume alcohol or foreign or unusual amounts of substances
  • Nudity or forcing students to dress in a degrading manner
  • Psychological hazing: any act which is likely to compromise the dignity of a student, cause embarrassment or shame to a student, cause a student to be the object of ridicule or malicious amusement, or inflict psychological or emotional harm.


Student participation in any activity on or off campus that threatens and intimidates and/or endangers the health, physical, or emotional well-being of a community member; results in damage, malicious or non-malicious vandalism, or general disregard for university or private property; or involves a violation of university policy is strictly prohibited.

Inappropriate, Lewd, Indecent, or Obscene Behavior or Language

Inappropriate, lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior, language, music, or dress will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to the possession or display of pornographic and/or sexually suggestive material, and derogatory racial/ethnic material in any form on university-owned or leased premises, or personal property (e.g., vehicles, electronic devices, clothing, tattoos, etc.).

For more information, refer to APU’s Music Policy.

Sexual Harassment, Stalking, and Sexual Violence

The university is committed to fostering a positive learning and working environment on university premises and within university-sponsored programs. Sexual harassment and sexual violence of any kind in association with any APU program or activity are prohibited. The university will investigate all complaints of sexual harassment and sexual violence and will take appropriate corrective action, including disciplinary measures, when warranted. Refer to the university’s Sexual Harassment, Stalking, and Sexual Violence Policy and procedures for more details.

For complaints of sexual harassment, stalking, and sexual violence, refer to the APU Title IX website for support services and reporting procedures, as they are different from Community Expectations procedures.

Hosting Disruptive Gatherings

No student living on or off campus can host any disruptive party, gathering, or event which disturbs or impacts the peace of another. This includes but is not limited to: disturbing the peace of others; excessive noise; violent, offensive, disorderly behavior, or quarrelsome conduct; traffic obstruction of public or private streets by crowds or vehicles; litter; etc. Any host or student who participates in such an activity will be subject to disciplinary process.

Students should be aware that gatherings at their residence may grow beyond their ability to control due to social and other electronic media. Students will still be viewed as hosts in this type of situation and should consider these elements when planning their events.

Hosting Gatherings Involving Alcohol or Drugs

Persons who host gatherings where alcohol is available to participants should be aware that they will be held responsible for the actions of their guests, including their guests’ level of consumption. Persons who host or in any way assist or promote a gathering (on or off campus) that includes any of the following will be subject to probable suspension or expulsion from the university:

  • Indication of any participant being under the influence of alcohol (i.e., tipsy, buzzed, drunk, etc.)
  • Alcohol given to underage persons or underage consumption of alcohol
  • Illegal drug use or illegal use of controlled substances

Those living at the location and present when the party was held may be held responsible as hosts regardless of who provides the alcohol.

Students should be aware that gatherings at their residence may grow beyond their ability to control due to social and other electronic media. Students will still be viewed as hosts in this type of situation and should consider these elements when planning their events.

Participating in Disruptive Gatherings or Gatherings Involving Alcohol or Drugs

No student living on or off campus can participate in any disruptive party, gathering, or event which disturbs or impacts the peace of another. This includes but is not limited to: disturbing the peace of others; excessive noise; violent, offensive, disorderly behavior, or quarrelsome conduct; traffic obstruction of public or private streets by crowds or vehicles; litter; etc. Students may also not participate in, assist, or promote a gathering (on or off campus) that includes alcohol given to underage persons, underage consumption of alcohol, illegal drug usage, or any drunkenness.

Use of Alcohol

Students who purchase, sell, possess, distribute, and/or use alcohol or other intoxicants on campus or at university-sponsored events will be subject to the disciplinary process. Students are not allowed to use alcohol while participating in university-sponsored events and programs even if those events are off campus, regardless of whether the conduct is legal where it occurs. These events include, but are not limited to, athletic events, international programs, mission trips, study abroad programs, performance group trips, club and organization events, club sport events, etc.

See a list of descriptions of substances and the Alcohol and Drugs Federal Mandate as well as Confiscation and Disposal of Contraband policy in the References section below.

Students Under the Influence of Alcohol on Campus

Students are not allowed to be on campus or at university-sponsored events (including athletic events, international programs, mission trips, study abroad programs, performance group trips, club and organization events, club sports events, etc.) while under the influence of alcohol, even if their consumption occurred off campus or away from these events.

Underage Possession and Consumption of Alcohol

The university will not tolerate the possession and consumption of alcohol by students under the age of 21 regardless of their location (i.e., on campus, overseas, study away, mission trips, etc.).

Students Providing Alcohol To Underage People

The university will not tolerate students providing alcohol to those under the age of 21 regardless of the location (on campus, overseas, mission trips, etc.) in any form (i.e. powder). Such action will be subject to probable suspension or expulsion from the university.


Students may not possess, distribute, and/or use illegal narcotics, or other intoxicants, on or off campus (including athletics events, international programs, mission trips, study away programs, performance group trips, club and organization events, club sports events, etc.). This includes medical marijuana, misuse of prescription drugs, salvia, any form of hallucinogens, and associated paraphernalia. See a list of descriptions of substances and the alcohol and drugs federal mandate listed in the References section below. Also, see the Confiscation and Disposal of Contraband policy in the References section below.

Use of Tobacco

In the interest of common health concerns, the campus provides a tobacco-free environment. Use or display of any form of tobacco (including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smokeless tobacco, chew, hemp, hookah, vaping, paraphernalia, devices, etc.) on university premises or at any university-sponsored function is strictly prohibited.


Gambling is prohibited on campus or at any university-sponsored event.

Unauthorized Use of University Property or Premise

Unauthorized entry and misuse of university premises or property (e.g., living area lounges, Cougar Dome, athletic fields, etc.), including but not limited to, entering a restricted area (e.g., rooftops), the unauthorized use of computers or telephones, other university equipment is prohibited. Unauthorized Gatherings/events that occur on campus without university approval are subject to a $500 fine.

Safety Equipment

The illegal use, possession of, or tampering with safety equipment, such as fire alarms, smoke detectors, fire doors, door locks, latches, etc., on university premises is illegal and may result in criminal prosecution and a mandatory minimum fine of $500.

Inappropriate Computer Usage

The University filters and monitors inappropriate computer and online usage, and upgrades its filtering and monitoring abilities as the university deems necessary. Software piracy is a theft. Azusa Pacific University does not condone or tolerate the unauthorized copying of licensed computer software by staff, faculty, or students. The unauthorized duplication, operation on machines other than for which it is licensed, or other “piracy” of software is a violation of federal law and may expose the individual and the university to legal processes. The use of peer-to-peer file sharing protocols that are known to distribute and share copyrighted material illegally is a violation of university policy and subjects violators to disciplinary action. The university must adhere to its contractual obligations and comply with all copyright laws, and expects each member of the APU community to do the same. Anyone who violates this policy may be subject to discipline as outlined in the staff, faculty, or student handbooks, and could face additional and possibly costly civil or criminal liability. Questions about whether particular activities are permissible or violate this policy should be directed to staff members of the Office of Student Affairs or the Legal Affairs General Counsel.

More information is available on the Information and Media Technology Policies and Procedures page.


Any malicious or non-malicious act that causes damage, destroys, or defaces any university, public, private, or another university’s property is strictly prohibited. Restitution determined by the university will be required.

Inappropriate Communication and Publication

Communication between members of the APU community is expected to reflect an appropriate degree of mutual respect and civility. Therefore, students are expected to demonstrate a respect for fellow students, faculty, staff, and guests of the university in all communication regardless of whether the communication is through a face-to-face exchange, email, social media, texting, blogs, telephone, etc.

Students may be held accountable for statements and publications that they make that appear to be inconsistent with the current Community Expectations.

Some examples of inappropriate communications include:

  • Obscene, racist, sexist, ethnically-insensitive, harassing, or intimidating language that threatens the physical, emotional health, or safety of self or others.
  • Use of email or computer networks to send unsolicited junk mail, chain letters, links to inappropriate sites, or to further any illegal or unauthorized activity.
  • Use of profanity in any form.

This list is not intended to be an all-inclusive list of inappropriate communications.


Possession of any type of weapon, including but not limited to regular firearms, ammunition, BB/pellet guns, paint guns, air guns, airsoft guns, taser guns, any facsimile of a gun or any counterfeit firearm, blow guns, blow gun ammunition, switchblades, bows and arrows, explosive devices or materials used to manufacture explosive devices, martial arts weapons, fireworks, water balloon launchers, and all other weapons listed in the California penal code section 18710-22610, and/or other weapons considered illegal, dangerous, or deemed by Student Life officials to be inappropriate to possess on university premises is prohibited.

Personal protection pepper spray (not exceeding 2.5 ounces net weight of aerosol spray), known as Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), is permitted on campus properties. Persons carrying personal protection pepper spray are responsible for complying with all laws governing the possession and use of chemical/pepper spray weapons, as detailed in California Penal Codes 22810-22910.

Exception to this policy is for items used for academic purposes which have been approved by the Provost.

See Confiscation and Disposal of Contraband policy in the References section below.


Alcohol and Drugs Federal Mandate

The federal government mandated on October 1, 1990, that there will be no illegal drug use by students, staff, or faculty on college campuses anywhere in the United States. At its November 22, 1991, meeting, the Board of Trustees of Azusa Pacific University adopted the following policy statement to comply with the law. The policy, which is to be shared in writing with students, staff, and faculty, is as follows:

On November 18, 1988, Congress passed the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (P.L. 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D; 41 U.S.C. 701 et. seq.). This statute requires contractors and grantees of federal agencies to certify that they will provide a drug-free workplace. Making this required certification is a precondition for receiving a contract or grant from a federal agency.

Pursuant to the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, it is unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, or use controlled substances at university work sites and/or while performing university activities, events, or business. The Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (P.L. 101-226) amends the 1988 law, stating that it is also unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, or sell illicit drugs and alcohol in the workplace, at any university activities or events, or while performing university business.

Compliance for Students

The university makes every effort to provide and maintain a drug-free campus. Pursuant to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, it is unlawful to manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess, use, or sell illicit drugs and alcohol in all buildings, property, facilities, service areas, and satellite centers of the university. All students are required to comply with this policy as a condition of their continued enrollment. Any student violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension and possible expulsion.

Local, state, and federal laws establish severe penalties for violations of drug and alcohol statutes. These sanctions, upon conviction, may range from a fine to life imprisonment. In the case of possession and distribution of illegal drugs, these sanctions could include the seizure and summary forfeiture of property, including vehicles. It is especially important to know that federal laws have established penalties for illegally distributing drugs to include life imprisonment and fines in excess of \$1,000,000. Some examples of local or state laws are as follows:

  • Unlawful possession of a narcotic drug is punishable by imprisonment in the state prison.
  • The purchase, possession, or consumption of any alcoholic beverages (including beer and wine) by any person under the age of 21 is prohibited.
  • It is not permissible to provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21.
  • Serving alcohol to an intoxicated person is prohibited.
  • Selling any alcoholic beverages, either directly or indirectly, except under the authority of a California Alcoholic Beverage Control License, is prohibited.
  • It is a felony to induce another person to take various drugs and “intoxicating agents” with the intent of enabling oneself or the drugged person to commit a felony. The person who induced the other may be regarded as a principal in any crime committed.
  • Any person found in a public place to be under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or drug and unable to care for his/her own safety, or who is interfering with the use of a public way, is guilty of disorderly conduct, which is a misdemeanor.

In addition, pursuant to federal law, a student’s eligibility for federal financial aid may be suspended if the student is convicted, under federal or state law, of any offense involving the possession or sale of illegal drugs.

Alcohol/drug abuse counseling, treatment, rehabilitation information, referral information, and social service directories for Los Angeles County are available in the Student Health Center, Office of Student Life, and the University Counseling Center.


The use of illegal drugs and tobacco and abuse of alcohol may have serious health consequences, including damage to the heart, lungs, and other organs. Alcohol accidents are the number one cause of death for persons aged 15–24. The most significant health risk, besides death, is addiction. Chemical dependency is a disease that, if not arrested, is fatal. Illegal drug use or possession may involve, but is not limited to the following substances:


Even low doses of alcohol significantly impair the judgment and coordination needed to operate vehicles. Small amounts also lower inhibitions. Moderate to high doses cause marked impairments in higher mental functions, memory, and ability to learn and recall information. High doses cause respiratory depression and death. Long-term consumption, particularly when combined with poor nutrition, can lead to dependence and permanent damage to vital organs such as the brain and the liver.

If combined with other depressants that affect the central nervous system, even low doses of alcohol will produce adverse effects. Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to infants with fetal alcohol syndrome. These infants have irreversible physical abnormalities and mental retardation.


Immediate effects include relaxation and increased confidence and metabolism. Smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to contract heart disease. Thirty percent of cancer deaths are linked to smoking. Chronic obstructive lung diseases, such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis, are 10 times more likely to occur among smokers than nonsmokers. Smoking during pregnancy also poses risks such as spontaneous abortion, premature birth, and low birth weights. Fetal and infant deaths are more likely to occur when the pregnant woman is a smoker. Tobacco/nicotine is both psychologically and physically addictive.

Cannabis: Marijuana, THC, Hashish, Hashish Oil

Physical effects of cannabis include increased heart rate and appetite, bloodshot eyes, and dry mouth and throat. Use of cannabis may impair or reduce ability to drive an automobile or perform tasks requiring concentration and coordination. Motivation and cognition may be altered, making the acquisition of new information difficult. Marijuana, hashish, THC, etc., can also produce paranoia and psychosis. Long-term use may result in possible lung damage, reduced sperm count and mobility, and affect ovulation cycles. Cannabis can also be psychologically addictive.


Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system. Its immediate effects include dilated pupils and elevated blood pressure, heart and respiratory rates, and body temperature. Occasional use can cause nasal irritation; chronic use can ulcerate the mucous membrane of the nose. Crack or freebase rock is extremely addictive. Physical effects include dilated pupils, increased pulse rate, elevated blood pressure, insomnia, loss of appetite, tactile hallucinations, paranoia, and seizures. The use of cocaine can cause death by cardiac arrest or respiratory failure.

Stimulants: Amphetamines, Crank, Ice, Methamphetamines

Stimulants cause increased heart and respiratory rates, elevated blood pressure, dilated pupils, and decreased appetite. Users may experience sweating, headaches, blurred vision, dizziness, sleeplessness, and anxiety. Extremely high doses can cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, tremors, loss of coordination, and physical collapse. An amphetamine injection creates a sudden increase in blood pressure that can result in stroke, very high fever, or heart failure. In addition to physical effects, feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and moodiness can result. Use of large amounts over a long period of time can cause amphetamine psychosis, including hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia. The use of amphetamines can cause physical and psychological dependence.

Hallucinogens: PCP, LSD

Phencyclidine (PCP) interrupts the functions of the neocortex, possibly resulting in self-inflicted injuries. Users may experience a sense of distance and estrangement, loss of muscular coordination, and speech impairment. Large doses may produce convulsions and coma as well as heart and lung failure.

Lysergic Acid (LSD), mescaline, and psilocybin cause illusions and hallucinations. Physical effects may include dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, increased heart rate and blood pressure, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, tremors, and psychological reactions. Users may experience panic, confusion, suspicion, anxiety, and loss of control. Delayed effects or flashbacks can occur even after use has ceased. Use of hallucinogens can cause psychological dependence.

Students who possess, distribute, and/or use alcohol, narcotics, or other intoxicants may be subject to the disciplinary process. Students present on campus while under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol are subject to disciplinary process even if their consumption was off campus.

Anabolic Steroids

Steroid users subject themselves to more than 70 side effects, ranging in severity from acne to liver abnormalities to psychological reactions. The liver and cardiovascular and reproductive systems are most seriously affected by use. In males, use can cause withered testicles, sterility, and impotence. In females, masculine traits can develop along with breast reduction and sterility. Psychological effects in both sexes include very aggressive behavior known as “roid rage” and depression. While some side effects appear quickly, others such as heart attacks and strokes may not show up for years.

APU will initiate the Accountability Process when the Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectation is violated. Disciplinary sanctions are designed to help students develop individual responsibility and encourage self-discipline, to foster a respect for the rights of others, and to protect the rights, freedoms, and safety of members of the university community.

Students are expected to be active participants in their learning experience, to be honest and engaged throughout the investigation, hearing, and sanctioning process. Disciplinary sanctions are designed to help students develop individual responsibility and encourage self-discipline, to foster a respect for the rights of others, and to protect the rights, freedoms, and safety of members of the university community.

Decisions made regarding an alleged violation are ultimately based upon what the university would consider to be “more likely than not” what occurred and not upon “rules of evidence” similar to that of a court legal system. Because of the nature of the accountability process, students are expected to fully participate, in order to benefit from the educational and redemptive nature of the process.

The Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectations discussed in this section of the catalog convey the university’s expectations of all graduate and professional students and should be understood as university-wide requirements in addition to program-specific requirements. When alleged violations of any university policies occur, there may be parallel processes including information sharing with judicial affairs and academic departments, because some academic departments and programs have expectations of student conduct specific to their profession and/or discipline. In addition, they also have administrative procedures for addressing alleged violations of those expectations. Students should refer to their program handbooks, where those exist, for details on conduct expectations and the process for addressing infractions.

With the exception of some appeals, all violations of the Community Expectations are processed by an administrative hearing. This procedure involves three components: information gathering, and the imposing of sanctions. Depending on the severity and location of the offense, the procedure will determine which university official oversees the disciplinary process.

Information Gathering and Hearing

The information gathering process involves an initial report and an inquiry into an incident or matter by university officials and may involve interviewing community members involved in the case and verifying information regarding the alleged violation.

It should be noted that information gathering may include information from anonymous sources and confidential reporters.

A hearing will be scheduled to allow the accused student an opportunity to hear and present information related to the disciplinary process. All hearings are closed and the proceedings may be kept confidential at the discretion of the university. The hearing may be recorded at the discretion of the university upon advance notice in writing to participants in the hearing.

Be aware that information gathering and hearing processes may occur simultaneously. Information gathered from anonymous (i.e. unknown) sources may be used in the student accountability hearing and as a part of the decision making process.

Although hearings are closed, students may request to have a support person present at a hearing. Any such request should be submitted in writing to the adjudicating officer, no less than three days prior to the hearing. The support person cannot be a family member or any legal counsel, may not actively participate in proceedings. The decision regarding the request will be communicated in writing by the adjudicating officer and this must be done before the support person may attend the hearing or any other disciplinary-related meetings.

The Imposing of Sanctions

At the end of the information gathering and hearing process, the adjudicating officer will communicate a decision in writing to the accused student. The written decision will include, where appropriate, a summation of findings. Sanctions will be imposed when there is information indicating that the accused student violated the Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectation. This determination is made by an APU official responsible for the administration of the disciplinary process. The following are sanctions that may be imposed upon any student for violating the Graduate and Professional Student Community Expectation (not listed in a prescribed order):

  • Admonition: An oral statement to the student that s/he is violating or may be violating university policies. The university official will review the policy and rationale and explore resources/supports for the student.
  • Warning: Verbal or written warnings may be given for violations of the Student Standards of Conduct. (Disclaimer: This sanction may be imposed without a hearing.)
  • Restitution/reimbursement or fine: Damage or misuse of university property or failure to follow university policy or procedure may require a student to make restitution or pay a fine.
  • Discretionary sanctions: Some students may be required to perform community service, write a paper, or perform any other activity deemed appropriate for the violation of the Community Expectations or any other university policies.
  • Loss of privileges: Some students may lose privileges such as visitation, leadership opportunities, living on campus, campus employment, cocurricular activities, parking, etc., appropriate to the violation of the Community Expectations or any other university policies.
  • Community Expectation Probation: A student may be placed on probation for a specified period of time. During this time, further violations of university policy may result in the student's suspension or expulsion from the university. Any student upon whom sanctions are imposed and/or is placed on probation may become immediately ineligible for service as an athlete, student leader, and/or student representative. Students who fail to comply with the terms and conditions of a sanction are subject to additional judicial action.
  • Interim suspension: Imposed immediately when the seriousness of the offense is such that the members of the community, including the accused student, may be threatened by his/her continued presence. (This suspension will be for a stated period of time and followed by a student hearing.)
  • University suspension: Separation of the student from the university for a specified period of time. A student may not be on campus or at university events while suspended without written permission from the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or designee. (Conditions for readmission may be required.)
  • University expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the university. A person may not be on campus or at university events if expelled without written permission from the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or designee.


Students wishing to appeal the disciplinary process must do so, in writing via email or hard copy, to the supervisor of the staff member who imposed the sanction on the student, or his/her designee. Students will have only one opportunity to appeal. All appeal meetings are closed and the proceeding may be kept confidential at the discretion of the university. The appeal meeting may be recorded at the discretion of the university upon advance notice in writing to participants in the hearing.

The appeal shall consist of one or more of the following exclusive grounds for appeal:

  1. New Information: There is new and significant information that has not yet been considered. Information would be considered “new” if it was discovered after the student’s hearing.
  2. Excessive Sanctions: Sanctions imposed are excessive to the violation(s) relative to sanctions imposed for similar violations under similar facts and circumstances as determined by the Community Expectations accountability process.
  3. Procedural Irregularity: The written procedure was not followed through the disciplinary process (e.g., the student did not have the opportunity to present information at the hearing).

Guidelines for the Letter of Appeal

  1. Students must submit a written appeal to the supervisor of the judicial officer or designee within three school days of the date of the written decision. A written appeal must reflect the guidelines as listed in the following point.
  2. The written appeal must include:
  3. Names of the parties involved
  4. A clear statement of the nature of the appeal (must consist of one or more of the following exclusive grounds):
    • New information
    • Excessive sanctions
    • Procedural irregularity
  5. A narrative of the incident including:
    • Why it occurred
    • How it occurred
    • Where it occurred
    • Who was present
    • The information on which the appeal is based
  6. The desired outcome

The supervisor (or designee), may, in response to the written appeal and upon review of all information and testimony presented, revise or confirm an earlier disciplinary process. The decision of the appeal may be made with or without meeting with students. After a decision has been reached, the student will be notified in writing by the supervisor. Decisions made in the appeal process are final and may not be addressed through the “Grievance Process” set forth in the catalog.

Only in cases of Title IX issues, both the complainant and the respondent will have the right to appeal the decision made through the process. Refer to the Sexual Harassment, Stalking, and Sexual Violence Appeal Process for more information.

Community Expectations Review Committee

In cases that result in university suspension or expulsion, the student may choose to have an appeal presented to either the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or his/her designee, or the Community Expectations Review Committee. In addition, the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or designee has the discretion to defer any appeal requests to the Community Expectations Review Committee.

The Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or his/her designee is an ex officio nonvoting member of the Community Expectations Review Committee. If practicable, the committee shall consist of three faculty or staff members (each selected by the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or designee).

The following process is such that after a review of information and deliberation, the committee will make a written recommendation to the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or his/her designee, whose decision is final. In the case of a tie or deadlock, the decision will be given in writing to the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs. There must be a minimum of three members present to constitute a quorum (excluding the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs). If the student behavior resulting in the disciplinary process involved violent or dangerous behavior, the committee shall be required to consider the safety of the APU community in its deliberations and recommendation, and any sanction imposed on the student shall not be stayed pending the appeal.

Community Expectations Review Committee

In cases that result in university suspension or expulsion, the student may choose to have an appeal presented to either the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or his/her designee, or the Community Expectations Review Committee. In addition, the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or designee has the discretion to defer any appeal requests to the Community Expectations Review Committee.

The Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or his/her designee is an ex officio nonvoting member of the Community Expectations Review Committee. If practicable, the committee shall consist of three faculty or staff members (each selected by the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or designee).

The following process is such that after a review of information and deliberation, the committee will make a written recommendation to the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or his/her designee, whose decision is final. In the case of a tie or deadlock, the decision will be given in writing to the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs. There must be a minimum of three members present to constitute a quorum (excluding the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs). If the student behavior resulting in the disciplinary process involved violent or dangerous behavior, the committee shall be required to consider the safety of the APU community in its deliberations and recommendation, and any sanction imposed on the student shall not be stayed pending the appeal.


To make the process as clear as possible for all involved, a glossary of terms is provided.

  • “Anonymous source” refers to an individual who reports information related to an incident and their identity is not known to anyone.
  • “Confidential reporter” refers to an individual who reports information related to an incident where their identity is not disclosed to anyone else but the adjudicating officer(s) and other university officials.
  • “Faculty member” means any person hired by the university to conduct classroom activity.
  • “Grievance” does not include those complaints that have gone through other accountability appellate processes.
  • “Guests” applies to all guests of APU community members whose hosts may be held accountable for the conduct of said guests.
  • “Member of the university community” refers to any student, faculty member, university official, volunteer, or other person employed by the university.
  • “Off-Campus Behavior” refers to student behaviors and actions that take place away from official campus grounds or APU-sponsored events. The Community Expectations is based on shared values, and as such, sets a range of expectations for the APU student no matter where or when their conduct may take place.
  • “Policy” is defined as the written regulations of the university found in but not limited to the student handbook and university catalogs.
  • “Student” includes all persons taking undergraduate courses at the university, both full- and part-time. For the purposes of university policy, a student is one who is enrolled in a degree or nondegree program at the university or is representing the university between regular academic semesters (including summer break). The student is considered to be enrolled at the university unless he/she has completed an official university withdrawal process or graduated from the university.
  • “University” refers to Azusa Pacific University.
  • “University official” includes any person employed by the university.
  • “University premises” refers to all land, buildings, facilities, and other property in the possession of or owned, leased, used, or controlled by the university (including adjacent streets or sidewalks).
  • “University sponsored events/programs” refers to any events planned or sponsored by the university.
  • “Violation” refers to any behavior that is unacceptable as described in the Community Expectations.

The Vice President for Student Life, the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs, the Office of Residence Life, the Office of Commuter Services, the director of the study away programs, and student services personnel on satellite campus programs (such as L.A. Term and South Africa Semester) have been designated by the university to be responsible for the administration of the Community Expectations.

Any member of the community may request a hard copy of the Community Expectations or any other campus policies by contacting the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs office at (626) 815-3890.

Rights and Freedoms

Right to the Privacy of Records

With certain exceptions provided by law, Azusa Pacific University cannot release information concerning students, other than directory information, from their education records to anyone other than university officials without the written consent of the student. Students and alumni applying for jobs, credit, graduate school, etc., can expedite their applications by providing the university with written permission to release specific records and to which parties the releases should be made. See the Student Record Release Authorization (PDF).

Right of Access to Judicial File

Students must request to see their judicial file in writing to the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs. Access will be granted no later than 45 days after the request. View APU’s student records policy.

Right to Process

Students whose behavior violates the Community Expectations will be treated justly and fairly. This means that the disciplinary process of the case will be in a timely and reasonable manner.

The process involves three components:

  • Notification: A student has the right to proper notice of the policy he/she allegedly violated and when his/her case will be heard. However, based on the information gathered through the disciplinary process (i.e., during the hearing process), a student may be held responsible for violations in addition to those listed in the original notification letter.
  • Right to be heard: A student has the right to present his/her viewpoint and position and provide supporting information, and to have it considered by a university official.
  • Findings/Decisions: Decisions in a Community Expectations case are based on reasonable and available supporting information.

Right to Notify

The student’s written consent is not required for the disclosure of grades, disciplinary action, or other information to parents of students who are dependents for federal income tax purposes. Parents requesting information regarding dependent students must demonstrate federal income dependency by submitting their most recent federal income tax return.

In addition, the university may disclose to the parents of a student the student’s violation of any federal, state, or local law or any rule adopted by the university governing the possession or use of alcohol or a controlled substance if the student is under age 21.

If the university determines that there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of the student or other individuals, the university may disclose information from the student’s education records to appropriate parties (including parents of the student) whose knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or other individuals. The university must keep a record of the threat and the parties to whom the information was disclosed.

Further, the university may disclose information received under a community notification program about a student who is required to register as a sex offender.

Administrative Discretion

The university reserves the right to immediately disqualify, discontinue, exclude, or involuntarily withdraw any student from the university at the discretion of the Associate Dean of Judicial Affairs or designee, as deemed necessary for the safety or well-being of the student or others. Such removal will be followed by a decision made under the Community Expectations procedure.

Handbook Amendment

The university reserves the right to amend these policies at any time. Students will receive email notifications related to any changes to the Community Expectations. The latest handbook supersedes all previous handbooks, but in all disciplinary proceedings, the language in the handbook that existed at the time of any alleged misconduct will be controlling in all community expectations issues.


Any disciplinary outcome resulting in university suspension or expulsion may be reported to the student’s professors, other university officials, and the registrar.

The university will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence (as that term is defined in section 16 of title 18, United States Code), or a nonforcible sex offense, the report on the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the university against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense with respect to such crime or offense. If the alleged victim of such crime or offense is deceased as a result of such crime or offense, the next of kin of such victim shall be treated as the alleged victim for purposes of this paragraph.

Time Limitations

APU may also extend its jurisdiction to misconduct that occurs prior to, but is not reported until after the graduation of the offender. There is no time limit on reporting of violations of the Community Expectations. However, the longer someone waits to report an offense, the harder it becomes for APU to obtain information and witness statements, and to make a determination regarding alleged violations.

Contact Information

Phone: (626) 815-2067


Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


Modular Offices, Building 27
apu campus